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2021 ICYS international ice-core seminar series

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Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS) is pleased to announce a new international ice-core seminar series, with the support of the International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS).


ICYS will hold monthly seminars with two talks – one from a senior researcher, followed by an early-career researcher (ECR) in a similar research theme. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Organizers hope that this will be a good way to bring together international ice-core-related research.

The series aims to provide much needed scientific interactions between researchers at all stages in their careers, especially given the cancellation of in-person conferences at this time.

Today's program - 14 October

This is the tenth Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS) seminar series event for 2021, recorded on 14 October 2021.

1. Liz Thomas (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge) “Ode to the west wind – why do we care about Southern Ocean winds and what can ice cores tell us?”

2. Dieter Tetzner (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge) “Diatoms in Antarctic ice cores, a novel proxy for reconstructing past wind variability in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind belt”

How to join

To receive the Zoom link for the seminar, email: (icecoreys[at]gmail[dot]com), with the subject line "Seminar".

The link will be emailed out to you ~24 hrs before the seminar.

Interested in presenting?

Anyone who is keen to give a presentation of their work should contact the organizers:

Watch the recordings

Watch the three presentations on the ICYS seminar page