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ECN webinar: Revelando los secretos de las plantas fósiles de Azuero, Panamá

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The Central-South American Regional Representatives of the PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) will hold a webinar in Spanish on 30 September 2020 at 15:00 UTC.


"Revelando los secretos de las plantas fósiles de Azuero, Panamá" (Revealing the secrets of the fossil plants of Azuero, Panama).


Access the webinar recording here.

The ECN's Central-South American Regional Representatives (RRs) will host the webinar.

Dra. Oris Rodríguez-Reyes (Post doctoral fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama) will tell us about the potential of one of the few fossil forests in Panama for paleoclimatic studies. Her talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

In addition, C-SA regional representatives will introduce the vPASES2020 workshop at the end of the talk.


The webinar will last for about one hour and Oris will be presenting in Spanish. However, presentation materials will be in English to ensure a broader accessibility to the global ECR community. We encourage everyone to participate and share the Zoom link invitation.

How to join


No registration is needed.

Meeting ID: 879 459 8513.

Access the webinar recording here.

Further information

Can't make it or feel like not joining because of the language or time zone difference? No problem, the webinar will be available afterwards on the ECN YouTube channel. In the future, we plan to add subtitles and get the webinar translated into English as well.

Access the webinar recording here.