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ECN webinar: Mentoring to stimulate international collaborations

Online meeting
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ECN Webinar Cluster
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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) Webinar cluster will conduct the webinar "Mentoring to stimulate international collaborations – Why ECRs need international mentors and how supervisors can assist them" on 10 May 2021 at 08:00 UTC.


Associate professor Lindsey Gillson (and PAGES SSC Member; University of Cape Town, South Africa) will give a talk about how she supports her students in establishing international collaborations. Her students Cherie Dirk and Estelle Razanatsoa will also share their experiences during this webinar.

The talk will be followed by a Q&A session. Both the talk and Q&A session will be recorded and available afterwards on the ECN's YouTube channel.

How to join

Zoom link:

No registration required.

Extra Q&A session

Unfortunately it was not possible to have this webinar twice on the same day, but the three speakers will return for a Q&A session from 14:30 UTC for our members in the Americas. This extra session will address the highlights of the webinar.

Zoom link for extra Q&A:

No registration required.

Further information

Find out more about the Webinar cluster here.