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ECN webinar: The human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands

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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) Webinar cluster will conduct the Spanish webinar "El impacto humano sobre la biodiversidad insular" (The human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands) on 23 June 2021 at 16:00 UTC.

The workshop will last for roughly one hour.


Dr. Sandra Nogué Bosch, from the University of Southhampton, UK, will tell us about her most recent report in the magazine Science, where she and collaborators reported a pattern of constant acceleration in the renewal of vegetation after human colonization; changes that occurred independently of the geographic and ecological characteristics of the island and show how quickly ecosystems can change.

Sandra will be presenting in Spanish. However, presentation materials will be in English to ensure a broader accessibility to the global ECR community.

The talk will be followed by a Q&A session. Both the talk and Q&A session will be recorded and available afterwards on the ECN's YouTube channel.

How to join

Zoom link:

Please fill out the registration form:

Further information

Find out more about the ECN Webinar cluster here.