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Held once every four years, the OSM/YSM is the premier event in the PAGES calendar and provides an invaluable opportunity to bring the past global change community together from around the world to share, discuss, learn, and plan for the future.

The YSM runs over two days and is followed by the OSM, which runs for four days. The YSM has a size of ~100 participants, and the last OSM in Goa, India attracted ~400. Learn more about past OSM/YSMs here.

A venue large enough to accommodate the entire group for plenary sessions is required. Plus a second meeting room for ~150 people for pairwise parallel sessions. It is also expected that a number of smaller meetings and workshops, including the PAGES SSC meeting, will take place before and after the meetings or during the YSM. Furthermore, we need dedicated space for poster sessions and a pitch for the PAGES soccer cup.

The bidding process will take place in two stages with expressions of interest due by 12 June followed by an invitation to submit a full bid by early September.

Please note: We prefer that the bids are initiatied by members of the past global change research community themselves rather than by external bodies such as venues or conference organizers.

Submitting an expression of interest

To submit an expression of interest, please submit a document (max. 4 pages) briefly outlining how you could meet the draft bidding requirements.

At this point it's not necessary to answer everything in detail but rather give our Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) enough detail to decide if a full bid should be invited.

Please email your expression of interest to Thorsten Kiefer at (kiefer[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) by 12 June 2015.


For more information please contact Leonie Goodwin at the IPO.