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At the beginning of August 2024, the PAGES website experienced technical issues. This meant that no one was able to access the website, or access was very limited/ restricted. It also meant that there was no August 2024 newsletter.


As part of the EU Beyond-EPICA Ice Core (BE OI) project, and as co-chairs of the BE OI Climate and Carbon Cycle feedback Consortium, we are organizing a new season of our BE OI online seminar series during the Autumn 2024.

Please see details from the email sent by Emilie Capron below:


PAGES has made very limited financial support available to participate in the PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM).  

Who can apply for this support?


A note for all Quaternary Interglacials enthusiasts.


PAGES Open Science Meeting: 21-24 May in Shanghai, China
PAGES Young Scientists Meeting: 19-20 May in Shanghai, China

Applications to attend the 5th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) are open and will close on 1 December 2024.


PAGES Open Science Meeting: 21-24 May in Shanghai, China
PAGES Young Scientists Meeting: 19-20 May in Shanghai, China


Past Global Changes (PAGES) is pleased to announce the third volume of its paleoscience magazine for teenagers, young adults, and people of all ages interested in Earth’s history.


In the July newsletter, PAGES would like to remind early-career researchers of the approaching deadline to apply for an African or Latin American and Caribbean fellowship.


Earth System Changes from the Past towards the Future


By: Gouramanis C., Yap W., Srinivasalu S., Anandasabari K., Pham D.T. and Switzer A.D.