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The LOC and PAGES IPO are happy to announce that the 6th Open Science Meeting will be held from 16-22 May 2022, online.

The PAGES IPO and the OSM Local Organizing Committee would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding with regards to the decision for hosting the OSM in 2022 online. We have seen an overwhelming amount of support for this decision, based on current uncertainties, and like everyone else, are sad it cannot be held in-person, but happy there will be an OSM and YSM, albeit in an online format.

Furthermore, we would like to say thank you to everyone who completed the online survey. The survey results have assisted in the decision making of the final dates.

The exact dates of the YSM have not been finalized yet, but will take place a week before the OSM in 2022.

Please regularly check in on the OSM/YSM website or PAGES website for updates.