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PAGES is organizing two webinars at the beginning of December about PMIP and WCRP. 

Please note that registration is required for both webinars.

PAGES-WCRP webinar: WCRP's new science directions
Detlef Stammer

Over the past two years WCRP went through a fundamental reorganization of its science and the required organizational structure required to address future needs of climate research and to produce answers that society need to address climate change problems. The talk will introduce the new WCRP, its new science foci and its new elements and will highlight interfaces across which enhanced interactions and collaborations with PAGES can flourish in the future.

2 December 2021, 14:00 UTC

PAGES-PMIP webinar: Using simulation results from the Palaeoclimate Model Intercomparison Project
Chris Brierley

Many different modelling groups from around the world have performed past climate simulations for several time periods.A substantial quantity of output from these simulations is freely available for download through the machinery of the Earth System Grid Federation. Small subsets of this data are available elsewhere, such as from the IPCC's Interactive Atlas.

This seminar aims to help people find and use those data from the PMIP simulations that would be useful for their own research. I
t will introduce which climate models and periods have been used in PMIP, how to find out what data is available and where, how to download that data and its format, and then highlight some code and tools available to help process that data.

8 December 2021, 9:00 UTC