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The Young Scientists Meeting, or YSM, is a stepping-stone for paleoscience early-career researchers (ECRs), or global change scientists with a strong, proven interest in paleoscience, who want to develop their professional skills and expand their scientific network. ECRs are defined as PhD Students who are usually in the latter stages of their degree, or Post-PhD (usually within five years of completing their degree). 

In 2022, the YSM will be held online from 9-13 May.

Deadline for applications and abstract submission has been extended to 11 February 2022. 

The YSM is open on a competitive basis to approximately 80 outstanding ECRs. Attendance will be based primarily on the quality of the abstract. The organizers strive, however, to achieve a gender and geographical balance to ensure a lively and representative meeting. There is no registration fee but only the selected participants will be allowed to attend and successful applicants will be notified by 15 March 2022.

Over the five days, meetings and plenaries are held, with scheduled breakout sessions and homework. The meetings provide an invaluable opportunity to bring the Past Global Change community together from around the world to share, discuss, learn, and plan for the future. They are designed to encourage interaction between scientists from all career levels, disciplines and regions.

Topics for the upcoming YSM 2022 will be decided from the following list, and based strongly on participants' interest:

  • Social media for scientists
  • You only live once: Finding the right balance between research and private life
  • Career path: Exceptions are the rule
  • Be a part of the climate change solution
  • Improving time management skills
  • Stand up for the climate (relevance of paleoscience for politics)
  • ECN: The next generation of PAGES
  • What is the future of the scientific publication?
  • Communicating science beyond academia
  • Academia and beyond: Where can your qualifications take you?
  • Publish or Perish: Is there more to science than journal articles?
  • Grant funding agencies
  • Manuscript preparation and submission strategies
  • Managing research data/results and software tools/programs
  • Scientific oral presentation strategies
  • CV writing and building a personal webpage

In order to attend the event, applicants are requested to register and submit an abstract with their application that they will present at the Open Science Meeting (OSM) which will be taking place a few days after the YSM (16-20 May). 

To apply for the YSM, you must complete the YSM application form here:
Deadline: 11 February 2022, 23:59 UTC

More information on eligibility can be found here.

Testimonials from 2017 YSM attendees:

"Let me thank you and the committee for offering me a grant to attend and present my findings at OSM 2017. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for your organization." - SS

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to PAGES for supporting me to attend these meetings, which were great opportunities to communicate with young scientists and experienced researchers. During these meetings, I also established networks with many of them for future collaboration as I decided to stay in paleoclimate domain for my long-term career. Many thanks again for PAGES support." - YZ