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PAGES e-news vol. 2019, no.9


1. Propose a new PAGES working group by 24 October

2. Update on PAGES' financial support for workshops

3. Working Group news

4. Recent products

5. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

6. Working Group meetings and deadlines

7. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

8. Future Earth updates

9. WCRP updates

10. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

11. Other news and opportunities


1. Propose a new PAGES working group by 24 October

Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same? Propose a new PAGES working group to address a scientific question in an internationally coordinated way. The application deadline is 24 October. You must contact a member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee to discuss your plans at least two weeks before you submit the proposal.​ Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably. All details:

2. Update on PAGES' financial support for workshops

Until further notice, the call for applications for PAGES' financial support to assist in the running of workshops is on hold. Any questions can be directed to PAGES IPO: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

3. Working Group news

i. Mailing lists: Did you know all PAGES working groups have designated mailing lists? Stay up to date directly. Access details for all mailing lists here:

ii. C-PEAT: a. AGU 2019: Group leaders received 25 abstracts for this year's peat session. More details will be shared as soon as they have the final schedule. This year's AGU will be held in San Francisco, in early December:

b. SWS 2020: There will be at least two peat-related sessions of interest to the paleo community at the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) 2020 meeting in Quebec City, Canada, 7-11 June 2020. "Years to millennia inter-annual variability in peatland carbon balances" and "Peatlands from Pole to Pole". All details:

iii. CRIAS: a. The group's second workshop will be held from 7-8 October 2019 in Leipzig, Germany. See point 6 for all details.

b. "Call for Objects" for a Virtual Exhibition on Climate History, titled "Weathered History – The Material Side of Past Climate Change". Deadline 1 October. Organizers plan an online exhibition to be hosted on the Google Arts and Culture platform within the context of Germany’s Leibniz Association’s activities and welcome object proposals by scholars from a wide variety of disciplines throughout the humanities and sciences and all cultural and chronological contexts. Go to: to find an explanation of the concept, links to example objects, and a template for your own object proposals, or if you would like to download everything from one location, go to: Questions can be sent to Martin Bauch: (martin[dot]bauch[at]uni-leipzig[dot]de)

iv. C-SIDE: Abstract submission is free until 15 September for the 36th International Geological Congress from 2-8 March 2020, in Delhi, India. C-SIDE will conduct the session "Southern Ocean - Past Global Linkages". All details:

iv. CVAS: Save the date! The workshop "Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of climate variability by consistent data-model comparison" will be held from 2-5 June 2020 in Heidelberg, Germany. This interactive, interdisciplinary event plans to bridge efforts from PAGES and PMIP working groups. It is partially supported by the 2019 Hengstberger Prize awarded to Kira Rehfeld. See point 6 for all details.

v. DAPS: As a follow up to the group's second workshop hackathon, a website has been created to host DAPS resources: Group leaders hope the website will become the central repository of DAPS' resources for the broader community. The current content is minimal, and needs to be filled out by people who are familiar with each resource item. To add information, either submit a request on Github (repo: or send Feng Zhu ( (fengzhu[at]usc[dot]edu)) a markdown file (or any text) that describes the resource item and he will do the updates. Find out more about DAPS here:

vi. EcoRe3: Two new special feature articles have been published in The Royal Society Biology Letters. See point 4 for all details.

vii. Floods: a. Abstract submission is free until 15 September for the 36th International Geological Congress from 2-8 March 2020, in Delhi, India. Floods will conduct the session "Extreme Hydrological Event - Present and Past". All details:

b. Register by 1 October for the first workshop of the group's second phase, to be held from 11-13 November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. See point 6 for all details.

viii. LandCover6k: Carla Lancelotti et al. published a new paper in Antiquity which reviews non-irrigated agricultural practices in North Africa in the absence of anthropogenic water-harvesting structures, and presents a proposal for how such practices can be identified in the drylands of the past. See point 4 for all details.

ix. OC3: The working group will hold its final meeting after the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA, on 14 December 2019. See point 6 for all details.

x. PALSEA: Several publications acknowledging this active working group have recently been published. See point 4 for all details.

xi. QUIGS: Authors of a recent Geoscientific Model Development paper propose a protocol to perform transient simulations of the penultimate deglaciation under the auspices of PMIP4. This design includes time-varying changes in orbital forcing, greenhouse gas concentrations, continental ice sheets as well as freshwater input from the disintegration of continental ice sheets. See point 4 for all details.

xii. VICS: a. Group leaders are preparing a special issue of Climate of the Past with the working title "Interdisciplinary studies of volcanic impacts on climate and society". Nine articles are planned, specifically a series of case studies focusing on specific eruptions or time periods, which have grown out of prior VICS meetings. Before officially initiating the special issue, leaders would like to strongly encourage further contributions of proposed articles. If you are interested in including your work in the VICS special issue, please contact Dr Matthew Toohey before 15 September with a title, author list and short abstract: (mtoohey[at]geomar[dot]de)

b. The deadline for article submissions for the Special Issue of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, titled "Environmental and societal impacts of past volcanic eruptions - integrating the geosciences with the historical, anthropological, and archaeological sciences" is 1 December. Guest editors Felix Riede, Celine Vidal and Francis Ludow welcome papers that ideally integrate data between sciences and so provide exceptionally rich and detailed records of volcanic activity and its environmental and societal legacies, although papers tackling past volcanic activity from specific disciplinary angles are also welcome. Contributions should focus on multidisciplinary research combining geological, historical, anthropological, archaeological, or other methods to understand a given eruption, a volcano's eruption history, or the societal impact of such events. Contact Felix Riede for more information: (f[dot]riede[at]cas[dot]au[dot]dk)

4. Recent products

i. PAGES is pleased to be involved in the first version of a crowdsourced reporting standard for paleoclimate data - PaCTS - discussed in a Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology paper from Deborah Khider et al.:

ii. LandCover6k: The paper "The archaeology and ethnoarchaeology of rain-fed cultivation in arid and hyper-arid North Africa" was published in Antiquity:

iii. EcoRe3: a. Julie Aleman et al. use a multi-proxy analysis of a 2000-year core to evaluate modes of transition in vegetation structure and fire regimes to show that fire interacted with drought to transition forest to savannah, suggesting that disturbance by fire can be a major driver of biome change:

b. Melissa L. Chipman and Feng Sheng Hu leverage fire and vegetation records from a highly flammable ecoregion in Alaska and present new lake-sediment analyses to examine biogeochemical responses to fire over the past 5300 years:

These two papers are contributions to the EcoRe3 special feature in The Royal Society Biology Letters called "Ecological resilience: from theory to empirical observations using long-term datasets".

iv. PALSEA: a. The QSR special issue "Inception of a Global Atlas of Sea Levels since the Last Glacial Maximum" containing 13 articles is now available. It is a product of HOLSEA, an INQUA project within the PAGES-INQUA PALSEA working group:

b. The group was acknowledged in the QUIGS contribution "The penultimate deglaciation: protocol for Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) phase 4 transient numerical simulations between 140 and 127 ka, version 1.0":

c. The group was acknowledged in the Nature paper "Constraints on global mean sea level during Pliocene warmth" by Oana Dumitru et al.:

v. QUIGS: Laurie Menviel et al. published "The penultimate deglaciation: protocol for Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) phase 4 transient numerical simulations between 140 and 127 ka, version 1.0" in a Special Issue of Geoscientific Model Development:

5. PAGES Early-Career Network updates

i. IPCC WGII is looking for FOD reviewers: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Assessment Review 6 (AR6) Climate Change 2021: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Working Group (WG) II report First Order Draft (FOD) opens for expert review in Autumn 2019:

Several ECR networks (APECS, YESS, PYRN, PAGES ECN, MRI, IMECaN) have teamed up to organize and submit a joint review of the report. PAGES ECN is looking for early-career researchers to participate in the review process and provide their feedback on the report. For further details see:

The deadline for online application to participate in the group review is 15 September. The first round of reviews will take place between 30 October and 30 November. For any questions, please contact: (gwenaelle[dot]gremion[at]gmail[dot]com)

ii. ECN Webinar: The next webinar "How to successfully publish a scientific article" will be held on 26 September. The presenter will be Thierry Corrège, editor of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. All details:

iii. Save the date: The next PAGES-INQUA ECR workshop, titled "Past Socio-Environmental Systems", will be held in October or November 2020 in La Serena y Coquimbo, Chile. More information to come. The first joint ECR workshop was held in 2018:

iv. Join the Write Club: The PAGES ECN Write Club holds regular online writing retreats for ECRs from all over the globe. Participants come together to write in a time-structured way, with the moral support of fellow ECRs. If you find it difficult to dedicate time to writing, if you find yourself easily distracted by colleagues or responsibilities, if you are a master procrastinator, if you’re looking for ways to be more efficient, or if you’re simply curious about how this works, contact: (writeclub[dot]pages[dot]ecn[at]gmail[dot]com)

v. To receive a more comprehensive list of ECN news and announcements, sign up to the mailing list:

6. Working Group meetings and deadlines


2nd workshop: Integrating documentary evidence into climate reconstruction and impact studies

Leipzig, Germany

7-8 October 2019

ii. CVAS:

Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison

Heidelberg, Germany

2-5 June 2020

iii. ECN:

ECN Webinar: How to successfully publish a scientific article


26 September 2019

iv. Floods Working Group:

Floods hazard in a warmer world: insight from past flood records

Geneva, Switzerland

11-13 November 2019

Registration deadline: 1 October

v. LandCover6k:

Pollen based estimates of past land cover in South and Southeast Asia

Pondicherry, India

11-14 September 2019

vi. OC3:

OC3 working group final meeting

San Francisco, USA

14 December 2019

vii. SISAL:

4th workshop: Exploiting the SISALv2 database for evaluating climate processes

Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

14-17 October 2019

7. PAGES-supported and endorsed meetings

CLImatic MOdes of VARiability (CLIMOVAR) over the Holocene: model-data synergies to improve future projections

Barcelona, Spain

25-27 September 2019

8. Future Earth updates

i. New website: The new-look Future Earth website is live:

PAGES is a Global Research Project of Future Earth:

ii. Access the August Newsletter:

iii. Reminder! Global Land Programme (GLP) Special Issue: PAGES' fellow Future Earth Global Research Project GLP has made all articles in its newly released special issue of Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (vol.38) available free of charge for individual download as PDFs until December 2019:

iv. Access the Mountain Research Initiative August Newsletter. MRI is a fellow Future Earth Global Research Project:

9. WCRP updates

i. Climate Science Week at AGU: Find out more about activities planned at the WCRP Climate Science Week at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting from 7-13 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA, USA: In particular, WCRP would like to invite the paleoclimate community to the WCRP 40th Anniversary Symposium on Sunday 8 December. Registration is free:

ii. WCRP is calling for any historial material, particularly film footage, from the last 40 years of WCRP. Any help they can get with sourcing historical footage is much appreciated. Contact Matthias Tuma: (mtuma[at]wmo[dot]int)

iii. Deadline 21 September for the ECR workshop "Water Cycle in a 1.5° Warmer World: Interdisciplinary Approaches":

iv. Access the CLIVAR September 2019 Bulletin:

10. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. Find out more about PAGES' endorsed and affiliated groups here:

ii. ICYS: Are you an Ice Core Young Scientists (ICYS) member? Help with the membership survey by 18 September. The steering committee is working on preparing the next meeting ahead of the next International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) conference and on a manuscript for a special issue in Advances in Geosciences. While this survey is not anonymous, no personally identifiable information will be used, and it should take you less than five minutes to complete: Find out more about ICYS here:

iii. Varves Working Group: This PAGES-endorsed (and former) working group now has a quick link to their webpages:

11. Other news and opportunities

i. Read the World Data System (WDS) Newsletter:

ii. Call for Applications to Host International Data Week (IDW) 2021 or 2023: Organized by the Committee on Data (CODATA) and the World Data System (WDS) of the International Science Council (ISC), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA), this landmark event brings together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and data stewards from disciplines across the globe to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve science and society through data-driven discovery and innovation. IDW combines the RDA Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of this international member organization working to develop and support global infrastructure facilitating data sharing and reuse, and SciDataCon, the scientific conference addressing the frontiers of data in research organized by CODATA and WDS. Applications should be sent by no later than 30 September. All details:

iii. Creative? Microfossil enthusiast? Have loads of images of microfossils you've analysed, or plankton that you've cultured? The Micropalaeontological Society (TMS) would like to invite you to submit an image to this year's image competition. Since 2014, the society has held a micropalaeo-themed image competition, where the winning images are compiled into a calendar. Submissions close on 30 September at 23:59 Pacific Standard Time. Email TMS Publicity Officer Rehemat Bhatia for all details on how to enter: (rehemat[dot]bhatia[at]bristol[dot]ac[dot]uk)

iv. INQUA funding deadlines: The next INQUA funding deadline is 15 October. INQUA funding is provided to stimulate the development of research networks, and is divided into several categories: (i) International Focus Groups (IFGs), (ii) Projects, and (iii) Skills Enhancement activities. The form, with the reporting section left blank, must be received by the President of the sponsoring Commission by 15 October. Please read the funding guidelines on the INQUA webpage before completing this document; you are encouraged to consult the appropriate Commission President at an early stage in the development of your proposal or if you have any queries about eligibility. The complete form, including the completed reporting section and finalized proposal, must be received by the INQUA Secretary-General and the President of the sponsoring Commission by 31 January 2020. For full details, go to:

v. IPBES: Call for Nominations for Scoping of "Nexus" and "Transformative Change" Assessments. Apply by 15 October. All details:

vi. Online platform/competition: "I'm a Scientist - Get me out of here" gives scientists (anyone in academia: PhD students, technicians, professors, etc.) the opportunity to present their work to students. It’s a competition between scientists where students are the judges. Applications are open year round. The next activity runs 11–22 November:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

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Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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