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Image credit: Wood being burned to produce coal, on the way to the peatlands of Mpeka, Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit:Nanna Heitmann for The New York Times

New publications are available in this series.

Are you passionate about peatlands and/or climate change?

There is a new initiative at the New York Times focusing on a long-term project on peatlands, and they want to hear from you. 

The New York Times have created a questionnaire published in the NYTimes to capture everyone's stories:


With the help of all C-PEATers, they are planning to set up a series of peatland-centered events and activities, both public and private.

The questionnaire shouldn't take more than five minutes. If you have any questions, you can reach out to (Julie Loisel), C-PEAT Co-Leader, or NYT journalist Terry Parris Jr. at (terry[dot]parris[at]nytimes[dot]com).

The questionnaire (and the peatland series in general) will be intended for people who want to know more about peatlands, tell their own stories about peatlands, or are concerned about climate change. Share this message as you see fit.

Publications in this series so far:

- Meet Peat: the unsung hero of carbon capture 

- What do the protectors of Congo peatlands get in return? 

- What can your community offer the world? 

If you are interested in learning more about the C-PEAT working group, visit their page here:

Join the C-PEAT mailing list to stay updated directly:

Image credit: Wood being burned to produce coal, on the way to the peatlands of Mpeka, Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit:Nanna Heitmann for The New York Times