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The PAGES endorsed International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) invites those interested to participate in planning for a post-2024 scientific ocean drilling program by submitting responses to the open request for information (RFI), which asks about where you would like to propose drilling expeditions in a future program.

The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) explores Earth’s climate history, structure, mantle/crust dynamics, natural hazards, and deep biosphere as described in the IODP Science Plan: Illuminating Earth's Past, Present, and Future. IODP facilitates international and interdisciplinary research on transformative and societally relevant topics using the ocean drilling, coring, and down-hole measurement facilities JOIDES Resolution, Chikyu, and Mission-Specific Platforms (MSP). This notice describes proposals that will be accepted for the April 1, 2022 deadline, as well as the on-going request for information (RFI) opening. Additional submission information for proposals and RFI responses. 

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