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EPD_Meeting room

European Pollen Database (EPD) Open Science Meeting 2022 - Bringing the proxy data together

Over 100 scientists attended in person the European Pollen Database (EPD) open science meeting in Prague in June, supported by PAGES and hosted by the Faculty of Science, Charles University. 

The meetings theme was open data, and particularly the role of the Neotoma database which is now host to the EPD and a growing number of other proxies. The meeting included invited talks from outside of the pollen community on sedaDNA, macrofossils, GDGT’s, charcoal and testate amoeba, as well as more pollen-focused poster sessions. The meeting was particularly well supported by Early Career Researchers, with practical workshops that gave training in chronologies, Tilia, land-cover reconstruction, Neotoma using R, NPP’s, charcoal analysis and climate reconstruction. The meeting concluded with a BBQ and fieldtrip to discover the Holocene history of the Czech forest-steppe vegetation.

> See calendar entry 

> Visit the EPD website