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Future Earth as an accredited organization to UNFCCC is calling for nominations to participate at the Climate COP27 taking place in Sharm el Sheik, Arab Republic of Egypt from 6 – 18 November 2022.

There is no limitation on nominations but the UNFCCC will set a quota for each organization in August, followed by a selection of participants. Last year we had a quota of 7 participants/week.

To be nominated, please send our colleagues Rebecca and Clément ( (rebecca[dot]fenn[at]futureearth[dot]org) & (clement[dot]brousse[at]futureearth[dot]org)) the following information no later than 22 July 2022:

  • Are you a speaker in any side events (the Future Earth official side event and/or other events)?
  • Are you able to attend in person?
  • Are you able to fund yourself?
  • Name and surname as stated on your passport
  • Birth date
  • Passport number
  • Country that issued the passport
  • Country of residence
  • City of residence