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The Carbon in Peat on Earth through Time (C-PEAT) working group has announced its intention to revive workshops, but with a new format. As communicated by C-PEAT leaders in July 2022:

"This year's workshop will have 2 main themes:

  • tropical peatlands
  • recent (past ~150 years) peat accumulation and carbon sequestration

As usual, the workshop will be designed to be highly interactive, intensive (!), and very fun. We will work towards a new manuscript on tropical peatlands. We also want to play around with different peatland ecosystem models and compare their outputs to paleo data (this relates to the recent peat accumulation "problem"). 

Given the current covid-19 circumstances + our wish to reduce our carbon footprint, we are trying a new format for this year's workshop:

We will have 3 in-person "hubs": America, Europe/Africa, and Asia. 

Participants will travel to their closest hub for in-person interactions. Funding will be available to cover lodging and food; we will also have limited funding available for travel costs (aimed to help early career participants and/or scientists from developing countries). Participants who wish to attend the workshop but prefer to avoid traveling will be welcome to join their closest hub virtually.

The 3 hubs will "meet" for a few hours every day via an online platform. The rest of the time will be spent working in the individual hubs.   

We are planning a 3-day workshop, either on November 14-15-16 or on November 16-17-18. Please save the dates! The final dates will be confirmed as soon as possible. 

The Europe hub workshop leads are Minna Väliranta and Angela Gallego-Sala.

The America hub workshop leads are Nicole Sanderson and Julie Loisel.

We are still looking for the Asia hub workshop leads! If you are interested in taking on this exciting role, please let us know as soon as possible. We have funds to help you cover the meeting costs."

> Contact the C-PEAT working group leaders 
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> More about the C-PEAT working group