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We would like to draw your attention to a job vacancy announcement. PAGES is looking for an accomplished Science Officer to join our team in Bern, Switzerland.

Applications are accepted until position is filled (review of applications will start on 15 September 2022).

Please share this call for applications with your relevant networks.


PAGES (Past Global Changes; coordinates and promotes past global change research. Its primary objective is to improve our understanding of past changes in the Earth system to obtain better projections of future climate and environment and inform strategies for sustainability.

PAGES serves the paleoscience community by supporting and facilitating international and interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration in the paleosciences. PAGES is a Global Research Project of Future Earth.

We are seeking a new Science Officer for our dedicated international team at the PAGES International Project Office in Bern, Switzerland, to take over responsibilities for implementing and developing paleoscience activities, managing PAGES products, and networking within the international global change community.


The Science Officer works closely with the Executive Director, Communications Officers, Finance and Office Manager and Information Systems Coordinators, and is responsible for these main activities:

• Co-editing of Past Global Changes Magazine, published two to three times a year and Past Global Changes Horizons, published once a year. Tasks include issue planning, recruiting guest editors, editing text and figures, layout, and coordinating the print and digital publications;

• Coordinating and managing PAGES’ working groups and international research activities;

• Organizing meetings, workshops, conference sessions and webinars;

• Contributing to PAGES’ website content;

• Representing PAGES internationally.


The ideal candidate has:

• A research background in paleoscience and holds a PhD in a paleosciencerelated field (or equivalent experience) that complements the expertise of the Executive Director (paleoclimate modeling);

• Excellent management and communication skills;

• Excellent written and spoken English (German an advantage);

• IT knowledge, including solid graphic design and page layout (Adobe Creative Suite), and basic programing (XML, HTML);

• Willingness to travel abroad and to adapt work intensity to occasional irregular


Additional beneficial skills include public speaking, moderation, outreach experience, and experience in writing funding applications.


We aim for a starting date of 1 November 2022. Appointment is for four years with the possibility of renewal, pending funding. Salary is based on experience, following the Canton of Bern, Switzerland, guidelines.

PAGES is committed to enhancing gender, ethnic, and regional diversity. The position is based in Switzerland, and applicants from all nations are welcome to apply.


Applications are accepted until the position is filled (review of applications will start on 15 September 2022).

Please email your application as a single attached pdf file (cover letter stating your suitability and motivation, CV including publication list, and contact details of three referees, in that order) to PAGES’ Executive Director, Dr. Marie-France Loutre,

( (marie-france[dot]loutre[at]pages[dot]unibe.c)h).

Please use the subject line “Application - Science Officer PAGES”.

Further information

Enquiries should be directed to PAGES’ Executive Director, Dr. Marie-France Loutre, ( (marie-france[dot]loutre[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)), or to the outgoing Science Officer, Dr. Sarah Eggleston, ( (sarah[dot]eggleston[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch; +41 31 684 56 09).)


See here for the vacancy announcement.