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Makkaroni Stalactite or speleothem hanging from the ceiling

Stalagmites and stalactites (speleothems) are caused by the progressive build-up of minerals deposited from cave drip water. These minerals can often be radiometrically dated or display annual banding that allows them to be accurately dated, while they also providing a record of the isotopic composition of the drip water that can be linked to rainfall and atmospheric circulation. Incorporating isotopes into the hydrological component of climate models allows direct comparison between climate models and the speleothem record that Bühler et al. evaluate here over the last 1000 years, providing an important tool for looking at climate variability in models and proxy records.

Authors: Bühler JC, Axelsson JM, Lechleitner FA, Fohlmeister J, LeGrande AN, Midhun M, Sjolte J, Werner M, Yoshimura K and Rehfeld K

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