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Q-MARE workshop: Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns

Sesimbra, Portugal
Workshop report
Contact person
Konstantina Agiadi
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category


Date: 22-25 May 2023
Location: Cineteatro Municipal João Mota, Sesimbra, Portugal


Q-MARE is organising a workshop on "Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns" as part of the Symposium on Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity co-organized by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the COST-Action SEA-UNICORN.
> Calendar 

Workshop details

Workshops will take place at the same time during the first half of the day on Thursday, 25 May.

Workshop 1: Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns
Organizers: Konstantina Agiadi & Bryony Caswell

Geohistorical data are fundamental for understanding current species distributions, including their origin, movement, and vectors (whether they be natural or anthropogenic). Historical records can include documents and images, oral history, museum collections or archaeological records (e.g., shell middens) that can be used to recreate species distributions and track the rates, pathways and consequences of species movements. Geological records, from the recent and deeper past, can help us to understand the consequences of species redistribution due to natural environmental changes at geological timescales including long-term patterns associated with climate change.

Join this workshops to review the available resources, techniques and applications of geohistorical data in providing a baseline of pre-industrial changes in functional connectivity patterns, anticipating future species distributions, and the consequences for communities and ecosystem services.

Workshop registration

The on-site registration for the workshop has passed, but we invite you to register to participate online by sending an email to (q[dot]mare[dot]wg[at]gmail[dot]com) with the subject «Registration to MFC workshop» by 22nd May 2023.

ECR support

There is financial support available for early-career scientists to travel to participate in the stakeholder engagement meeting. 

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2023. 

To apply, please send the following to both Konstantina Agiadi & (Bryony Caswell):

  • 2-page CV

  • Motivation letter indicating how your research is related to the workshop's aims and what the benefit of participation will be to your career. 

More information

For further information and details on registration and abstract submission, visit the event website:

> Find out more about the Q-MARE working group