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The PAGES Early-Career Network has launched a new webinar series on "Let's talk about career opportunities".

The aim of the new webinar series is to get early-career paleo scientists together to discuss all things career related, including fellowships, grants, and careers outside of academia.

The first webinar in the series, taking place on 12 May at 14:00 UTC (16:00 CET), will discuss postdoc contracts with Dr. Dulce Oliveira and Dr. Lélia Matos (Marine Sciences Center, Portugal).

For more information, and to access the zoom link, visit the calendar here:

If you would like to stay updated on further opportunities, and more information about upcoming webinars throughout the year where different aspects of career paths will be addressed, you can join the ECN mailing list here:

> Find out more about the ECN 
> Contact a steering committee member 

This webinar is a PAGES ECN European Regional Representatives initiative - but anyone can join!