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(Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami science

Topic: (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami science

Earthquakes can generate mass movements and deformation on the Earth's surface, and in some cases they also generate tsunamis in aquatic systems. The traces associated with these events are diverse and can have an impact on the interpretation of climate and anthropogenic archives.

With the Spring 2024 Special Issue of the PAGES Magazine, PAGES would like to inform the broader paleoscience communities about (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami science that is being conducted, and that has not, until now, been granted the attention it should have.

PAGES invites contributions on the following: 

●    What do the traces of earthquakes and tsunamis look like? 

●    How can they be identified? 

●    How do the different techniques that are also used in the broader paleocommunity be applied in this field of research (sediment cores, micropaleo, etc.)?

PAGES invites contributions from: 

●    Different archives (sediments, speleothems, tree rings, etc.), and across disciplines (archaeology, sedimentology, geomorphology, etc.); 

●    Different study location worldwide; and

●    Different timescales.

PAGES also invites contributions that show the wider societal effects of these natural hazards.


PAGES Magazine Science Highlights are short contributions of 1300–1400 words (including figure captions) and two scientific figures, written in a language accessible for a broad audience of paleoscientists. If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please send us ( (ivan[dot]hernandez[at]unibe[dot]ch)) an expression of interest (title, authors and max. 100 words abstract), which will be then evaluated by the guest editorial team (Dr. Katrina Kremer, UniBern; Dr. Michael Strupler, ETHZ; Dr. Katleen Wils, Ghent University & University of Innsbruck; Dr. Renaldo Gastineau, UniBern), until 14.08.2023. Full article submission is scheduled for end October/early November 2023.

Additional details can be found here: