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[PMIPn news]

Email sent  on behalf of the PMIP Quaternary Interglacials WG Louise Sime, Anne de Vernal, Matthew Osman, Xu Zhang, Christian Stepanek on 10 June 2024.

Dear Quaternary Interglacials enthusiasts!

Please share this email to relevant contacts in your networks! Thanks a lot.

We are grateful to all of you who have taken part in our community survey or reached out to us via other means. We already have learned a lot regarding what you liked about PMIP4 and what you are hoping for upcoming PMIP. The PMIP panel has been quite active in trying to get PMIP content into the CMIP7 Fasttrack portfolio. With our abrupt_127ka (LIGabrupt) simulation we have managed to achieve this goal. It is also time to kick off the PMIP Quaternary Interglacials modelling and model-model/model-data intercomparison effort. You, the paleoclimate science community, both modelers and non-modelers, are cordially invited to get involved in shaping the next round of PMIP Interglacials.

We aim to focus the various ongoing informal discussions by means of a short (2-3 days) community workshop towards the end of 2024 / beginning of 2025, where we would like to bring together people from the various scientific fields, discuss the status of PMIP and shape our plans. We intend to meet at AWI Bremerhaven in Germany, with the option to taking part online via videoconferencing instead of on-site. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to secure funding towards covering costs for lodging and traveling. This means that, as of current information, in-person participants will have to cover their travel expenses themselves. We are still figuring out how to organize meals.

We would very much like to use this meeting to connect scientists towards shaping the various action items:

  • formulating scientific questions to be answered by means of the PMIP Interglacials WG
  • selection of model setups
  • potential consideration of additional time slices beyond Holocene and Last Interglacial
  • defining details of the modelling protocol
  • shaping the data request (length of model time series, variables, output frequencies)
  • definition of boundary conditions, identifying the unknowns
  • identification and improvement of observational/proxy data sets
  • defining our work plan for the next 2-3 years on the road to IPCC AR7

Please kindly respond to the survey below if you are interested in taking part in this meeting. One goal of the survey is to find suitable dates.

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