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Input is also needed to identify the major paleoclimate/environment proxy and climate forcing datasets that inform the assessment of the state of knowledge. These resources are cataloged in Annex II, which is devoted to paleoclimate data. It is organized by multiple paleo reference periods that represent different climate states and that are the focus of paleoclimate modeling.

All review comments and authors’ responses are made available publicly. Reviewers are recognized for their input, with their name and affiliation included in the Annex of Reviewers in the published WG1 report in April 2021.

To review the report, register with the IPCC (here) before 19 April 2020 and submit reviews by 26 April.

For more information, contact Darrell Kaufman, PAGES SSC member and AR6 author.

Download the paleo content Table of Contents (excel file; 26.1 KB) here.


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