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New Floods WG special issue

Floods Working Group (FWG) has released a Global and Planetary Change special issue as an outcome of their PAGES' 5th Open Science Meeting session in 2017.

Edited by Lothar Schulte, Daniel Schillereff, Juan Santisteban and Fabienne Marret-Davies, "Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods" contains 18 peer-reviewed papers covering various regions, including New Zealand, South America, Central Asia, Europe, and the UK.

"The study of past floods, from historical and natural archives, is challenging but offers unparalleled opportunities to document the frequency and magnitude of past floods, including rare, very large events, that occurred under a broad range of climate and/or environmental scenarios," said Professor Schulte.

Access the special issue here.

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In May 2021, the group will hold the session "Towards an improved understanding of past flood variability and examples on how such data can have a bearing on present and future flood risk management" at PAGES' 6th Open Science Meeting in Agadir, Morocco. Abstract submission opens this Wednesday, 1 July 2020.