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1st MedCLIVAR workshop: Reconstruction of past Mediterranean climate


Carmona, Seville, Spain

Workshop report
Working groups
Meeting Category

1st MedCLIVAR workshop: Reconstruction of past Mediterranean climate

The first MedCLIVAR workshop is planned to be held from 09/11/06 to 13/11/06 November in Baeza (Jaen, Spain), Universidad Internacional de Andalucia. The title of the workshop is "Reconstruction of past Mediterranean climate: Unexplored sources of high resolution data in historic time"

The main aim of the workshop is to identify sources of early instrumental data, pre-instrumental observations, documentary and natural proxies, which have not been previously explored and/or identified and can be relevant for the reconstruction of the Mediterranean climate or weather extremes of the past Millennium with high resolution (annual or higher).

This workshop should be considered as a starting point for a "Past regional variability Activity" in the Mediterranean region similar to the already started PAGES-Initiative for southern South America (LOTRED-SA). The workshop is supposed to act as a bridge for community building within the Mediterranean region - especially incorporating scientists / data from the north African / Arabian community.

The workshop and the initiative are expected to create a link between paleo / data / and modelling scientists, therefore strengthening the community building effort of the PAGES/CLIVAR intersection. Thus, blending and interaction of all these communities will be of considerable value for progress in understanding past climate variability in the Mediterranean area.

Meeting material

> Abstracts

> Workshop report

> Workshop report