A dry-dead Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) in the Russian Altai Mountains (~88°E, 50°N). The trunk, located well above the current tree line (~2,450m asl), contains several hundred rings and dates back into medieval times (Myglan et al. 2012). Photo: Myglan VS, Inset: Büngten U, unpublished. |
The Euro-Med2k Working Group focused on creating spatial reconstructions and modeling past climate in the Europe and the Mediterranean region (including southern Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa) over the last 2,000 years.
It was the successor to the paleo-component of the MedCLIVAR project, a project endorsed by PAGES.
During phase 2, Euro-Med2k aimed to compile a wide range of proxy data and substantially expand the EuroMed2k database.
Around 70 records were added, representing different resolutions and covering different age ranges from several centuries to most of the Holocene. The records covered the area from 25-70°N and 10°W-45°E, with geographical foci on the Iberian Peninsula, Alpine arc, and Fennoscandia. Particular emphasis was given to so far under-represented marine and terrestrial records of lower resolution to help fill seasonal, temporal, and spatial gaps in the existing network.
Euro-Med2k aimed to provide a long-term perspective on the modern European climate by performing model-data comparison assessments, and supplementing detection and attribution studies.