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Two IODP announcements

The PAGES-endorsed International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) announces two major opportunities to the PAGES' community.

Call for proposals - deadline 1 April

IODP facilitates international and interdisciplinary research on transformative and societally relevant topics using the ocean drilling, coring, and down-hole measurement facilities ​JOIDES Resolution​, ​Chikyu,​ and Mission-Specific Platforms (MSP).

Request for information - now open

The ​JOIDES Resolution​ Facility Board (JRFB) is issuing a request for information (RFI) to understand the international scientific community's intent to propose to the ​2050 Science Framework​. Responses to the RFI will be considered by the JRFB in consultation with the other Facility Boards, funding agencies, and the IODP Forum, and they will inform planning on a potential future drilling program.

Access further information and links for both items in this pdf.

Or go directly to the submission portal on the IODP website.