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2022 PAGES OSM/YSM dates

New dates announced!

PAGES' 6th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 4th Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) are tentatively set for 15-21 May 2022.

The YSM will be held from 15-17 May in Lunga Village, 30km north of Agadir.

The OSM icebreaker will be held on the evening of 17 May in Agadir, and the OSM scientific program will run from 18-21 May. Field trips begin 22 May.

We say the dates are tentative, because health and travel warnings will be reassessed in July 2021.

No deadlines have been announced yet, but you can access the program and keep up to date via the official OSM/YSM website.

The 6th OSM and 4th YSM were originally planned for May 2021, but were postponed due to COVID-19 disruptions. Read that announcement here.

PAGES looks forward to welcoming you in Agadir, Morocco, in May 2022.