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PAGES launches new Horizons

PAGES is proud to announce the launch of a new paleoscience magazine for teenagers and young adults.

Past Global Changes Horizons highlights science of the past, written in an easy to understand, visual format, for those interested in, and wanting to learn more about, environmental issues and global climate change.

The first issue was edited by Graciela Gil-Romera and Boris Vannière, and the editor-in-chief is PAGES' Science Officer Sarah Eggleston.

Graciela said Horizons was created due to a lack of relatable outreach and science communication resources for the younger generation.

"This is precisely the age group where more is needed to help shape their transition into decision-makers in adulthood," she said.

"The younger generation is being bombed with fake news, extremism, and environmental anxiety. Scientists have produced this magazine for them to show that we can all be scientists, and to create not only more environmental awareness, but also to inspire them that there is still time to build a better future, and we know this thanks to the past."

Boris believes it is imperative for active scientists to inspire and mobilise the next generation.

"Dissemination of scientific knowledge requires more attention and direct efforts on the part of scientists to reach and address all members of society, especially the younger generation," he said.

"The objective of education is to contribute to citizen power and democratic life. Only well-informed people can judge government action. Scientific advisors are useful, but only citizens who can nurture their free will will be able to see clearly the promises and uncertainties ahead, and then be freer and stronger."

Each of the 18 contributions addresses a scientific question and includes appealing and understandable figures or images, without sacrificing scientific rigor. Tips and suggestions for further research and discussion topics are also included, meaning Horizons is not only designed for students but also potentially for teachers.

A hard copy of the magazine can be ordered here. The deadline for the first print run is 31 May 2021. A second print run will be available later in the year.