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PAGES e-news, vol. 2015, no. 5


► PAGES Executive Director vacancy

► AGU Fall Meeting 2015 - Abstracts welcomed for PAGES sessions

► Upcoming deadlines to attend PAGES working group meetings

► Recent PAGES products

► Call for session proposals for workshop on Extreme Events and Environments

► WCRP and PAGES collaboration

► AIMES call for IPO host

► IPBES call for expert comments

► PAGES at Our Common Future under Climate Change

► PAGES at INQUA 2015



► PAGES Executive Director vacancy

PAGES is seeking a new Executive Director to run the PAGES project from our office in Bern, Switzerland. Read more at:

The deadline for applications is 26 July 2015. Please pass this on to people in your network that may be suitable and interested.


► AGU Fall Meeting 2015 - Abstracts welcomed for PAGES sessions

Our current parent organization, IGBP, is co-sponsoring over 60 scientific sessions as part of its Landmark Synthesis package of activities at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015 (14-18 December 2015;

Global-change researchers and practitioners are invited to submit abstracts to the PAGES-related sessions below by 5 August 2015.

IGBP has some funds to support early-career scientists from developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region and scientists from low and low-middle income African countries to attend. Please contact (leonie[dot]goodwin[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) by the 3 July 2015 to learn more.

IGBP cross-cutting sessions

Emerging perspectives on land in a changing world

Session: 8063 -

Primary Convener: Peter Verburg. Conveners: Markus Reichstein, Kathleen D Morrison, and Sander van der Leeuw.

Trajectories of change in the Southern Ocean

Session: 8669 -

Primary Convener: Christiane Lancelot. Conveners: Eileen E Hofmann, Sam Jaccard, and Joellen L Russell.

More bang for your buck: How does coordination add value to sustainability science?

Session: 8718 -

Primary Convener: Thorsten Kiefer. Conveners: Karen Smyth, Ninad R Bondre, and Julien Emile-Geay.

Aquatic Transitions Working Group

Sedimentary records of threshold change in ecosystems

Session: 8761 -

Primary Convener: Keely Mills. Conveners: Peter Gell and Jasmine E Saros.

Dust Impacts on Climate and Environment (DICE) Working Group

Dust in High Latitudes: From its Origins to its Impacts

Session: 8015 -

Primary Convener: Santiago Gasso. Conveners: John Crusius, Gisela Winckler, and Paul A Ginoux.

LandCover6k Working Group

Dating the Anthropocene: Early Land Use and Earth System Change

Session: 8202 -

Primary Convener: Erle C Ellis. Conveners: Kees Klein Goldewijk and Jack Williams.

PALSEA2 Working Group

Sea levels and ice sheets during past warm periods: looking the past to understand the future

Session: 8961 -

Primary Convener: Alessio Rovere. Convener: Robert E Kopp III

The PAGES 2k Network

Climate of the Common Era

Session: 8412 -

Primary Convener:  Jason E Smerdon. Conveners:  Kevin J Anchukaitis, Kim M Cobb, and Edward R Cook.

PAGES' Climate / Environment Themes

Biogeochemical cycles in the past - long-term commitments in the future

Session: 8323 -

Primary Convener: Hubertus Fischer. Conveners: Baerbel Hoenisch, Laurie Menviel, and Edward Brook.

View the other IGBP co-sponsored AGU sessions at:


► Upcoming deadlines to attend PAGES working group meetings

1st Ocean2k workshop

6-8 October 2015, Barcelona, Spain

To register submit a proposal contact organizers. Proposals can still be submitted during the review period.

GloSS: Open kickoff meeting of the PAGES working group Global Soil and Sediment Transfers in the Anthropocene (GloSS)

19-21 August 2015, Bonn, Germany

To register go to:

Peat Carbon Accumulation on Earth: An Integrated and Global Perspective — C-PEAT Launch and Integration Workshop

11-13 October 2015, New York, USA

Submit workshop registration/application before 15 July 2015.

Aus2k: Australasian paleoclimate of the last 2k: Intercomparison of climate field reconstruction methodologies, modeling, & data synthesis approaches

27-29 October 2015, Auckland, New Zealand

Submit an abstract by 15 August 2015

LandCover6k workshop on global land-use classification

3 days during the period 12-23 October 2015 in Paris or Chicago

Contact Kathleen Morrison ( (morrison[at]uchicago[dot]edu)) for further information

LandCover6k workshop on land-use and land-cover change in Eastern Africa

22-23 October 2015, Nairobi, Kenya

Contact Rob Marchant ( (robert[dot]marchant[at]york[dot]ac[dot]uk)) for further information

To view more paleo-science relevant events coming up around the world, go to our calendar:


► Recent PAGES products

In a contribution to PAGES' Land Use and Cover Theme (the predecessor to Landcover6k) Trondman & Gaillard et al. have published a paper in Vegetation History and Archaeobotany researching the application of the REVEALS model. This study is the most systematic test of REVEALS applications using multiple small sites instead of large site(s) and may be of particular interest to researchers using REVEALS to achieve land-cover reconstructions:

In their contribution to LandCover6k in Anthropocene, Andrea Kay and Jed Kaplan synthesize the archaeological record in sub-Saharan Africa to review prehistoric and historic land use systems and present a classification system that may be applied in a range of studies to categorize, map, and model past land use:


► Call for session proposals for workshop on Extreme Events and Environments

Under the Integrative Activities section of our new science structure (, PAGES will contribute to a Future Earth Initiative entitled Extreme Events and Environments from Climate to Society or E3S (

A cross community workshop is proposed to identify and elaborate the scientific questions and associated research agendas of the initiative. It is planned to take place in Berlin and possibly China too from 14-16 February 2016.

Read more at: and contact Thorsten Kiefer ( (kiefer[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) by the 2 July 2015 if you would like to participate in this initiative.


► WCRP and PAGES collaboration

PAGES members are encouraged to apply to attend the CLIVAR-ICTP International Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability: Challenge and Opportunity

16 to 24 November 2015 at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy



16-19 November 2015 - Open attendance workshop

20-24 November 2015 - Lab/Training Activity for students and early career scientists

Register online at by the 31 August 2015.


► AIMES call for IPO host

PAGES' sister project AIMES (The Analysis, Integration and Modelling of the Earth System) has initiated a call to find a host for its international project office. Initial expressions of interest (max. 3 pages) should be submitted by 30 June 2015:


► IPBES call for expert comments

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ( secretariat welcomes expert comments from the Future Earth community on two assessments:

- The first is the Thematic assessment of pollinators, pollination and food production, due on 17 July 2015. Should you wish to provide expert input, please register online. You will then receive the chapters requested as well as a comment template. Please send your comments to Hien Ngo - (hien[dot]ngo[at]ipbes[dot]net)

- The second is the assessment of Policy support tools and methodologies for scenario analysis and modelling of biodiversity and ecosystem services, due on 9 July 2015. Should you wish to provide expert input, please download a registration form here and send this to the Technical support unit at (tsu-ipbes[dot]scenarios[at]pbl[dot]nl). You will then receive a download link to download the chapters you wish to review as well as the comment form. Please send your completed review to (TSU-IPBES[dot]scenarios[at]pbl[dot]nl).

Cornelia Krug (Science Officer: bioDISCOVERY) is keeping track of reviews provided by the Future Earth community. Please notify her at (cornelia[dot]krug[at]u-psud[dot]fr) if you have registered as expert, and once you have submitted the review.


►  PAGES at Our Common Future under Climate Change

This international scientific conference in Paris from 7-10 July constitutes a forum for the scientific global change community to come together ahead of the COP21. If you're attending, PAGES members and working groups are involved in the following sessions:

Tue 7 July - Day 1 - State of Knowledge on Climate Change

Climate variability and change over the last millennia

Large Parallel Session L1.1

14:30-16:00 in UNESCO Fontenoy - ROOM IV

Co-Conveners: V. Masson Delmotte & G. Hegerl

Climate variability and external forcings of the Common Era with special focus on the role of volcanic eruptions

Parallel Session 1103

16:30-18:00 in UNESCO Bonvin - ROOM XIII

Lead Conveners: A. Robock & M.A. Sicre

2k Network involvement.

Global warming hiatus

Parallel Session 1122

17:00-18:30 in UPMC Jussieu - Amphi 15

Convener(s): C. Jeandron and A. Berger

Wed 8 July - Day 2 - Landscapes of our common future

From the Holocene to the Anthropocene : The history of human-environmental interactions

Parallel Session 1101

15:00-16:30 in UPMC Jussieu - ROOM 103

Lead Convener: F. Sylvestre. Convener: T. Hoffmann

PAGES' Gloss, LandCover6k, and Aquatic Transitions working groups are involved in this session.

The detailed program is now available at:


► PAGES at INQUA 2015

If you're going to the INQUA congress in Nagoya, Japan from 27 July to 2 August (, you may like to attend the following sessions and meetings arranged by PAGES Working Groups:

PALSEA2 Working Group

Sea-level and cryospheric changes in the last 2000 years (CMP C01)

Convened by: Antony Long, Yongqiang Zong, Roland Gehrels

Reconstruction and interpretation of pale sea level records (CMP C04)

Convened by: Yusuke Yokoyama, Gilbert Camoin, Jody M. Webster, Glenn A. Milne

Ice-sheet variability in Quaternary warm climates: geologic records and model simulations (CMP C08)

Convened by: Anders E. Carlson, Alan C. Mix, Tina van De Flierdt, Nicolaj K. Larsen, Jeremy S. Hoffman

Temporal changes in sea-level: from minutes to millennia (CMP C13)

Benjamin Horton, Simon Engelhart, Andrew Kemp, Adam Switzer


Sea Ice Proxies Working Group

Sea Ice in the Quaternary: Proxies, processes, and dynamics (P25)

Convened by: Eric Wolff, Rainer Gersonde, Hugues Goosse, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz and Anne de Vernal

Varves Working Group

Natural and man-made environmental perturbations recorded in sediment archives with high resolution (P34)

Convened by: Antti E.K. Ojala, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Pierre Francus, Mitsuru Okuno, Arndt Schimmelmann, Kazuyoshi Yamada, Yoshinori Yasuda, and Bernd Zolitschka

Global Paleofire Working Group 

From ecosystems to biomes to the Earth system: using paleodata and models to understand the interactions between fire, people, vegetation and climate (H02)

Convened by: Boris Vannière, Jennifer Marlon, Mitchell Power, Anne-Laure Daniau

C-PEAT Working Group

Peat deposits during the Quaternary: their role in the global carbon cycle and as palaeoenvironmental archives (P31)

Convened by: Zicheng Yu, Dan Charman, David Beilman

Past Interglacials Working Group

Understanding interglacial climate (P04)

Convened by: Qiuzhen Yin, Marie-France Loutre, Jerry F. McManus, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner

LandCover6k Working Group Meeting

The LandCover6k WG will meet in collaboration with the two INQUA commissions HAB COMM and PAL COMM on Tuesday 28th July, at Lunchtime. Venue: Room number 231.

Responsible organizers: Ralph Fyfe ( (ralph[dot]fyfe[at]plymouth[dot]ac[dot]uk)), Kathleen Morrison, and Nicki Whitehouse.




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

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P: +41 31 631 56 11  |  F: +41 31 631 56 06  |
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