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PAGES e-news, vol. 2016, no. 1


► PAGES Romanian Symposium

PAGES Magazine updates

► Three new working groups

► Save the date! OSM & YSM 2017

Upcoming deadlines to attend PAGES working group meetings

► Recent PAGES products

SSC & EXCOM updates

Future Earth update

WCRP update

Endorsed and affiliated groups update



► PAGES Romanian Symposium

Abstract submissions and applications for financial support are now open for PAGES' "Central and Eastern Europe Paleoscience Symposium: From Local to Global" to be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from 23-26 May 2016.

Abstract and financial support deadline: 1 March.

Symposium registration deadline: 1 April.

Monday 23-Tuesday 24 May: Paleoscience Symposium.

Monday 23 May: Conference dinner - optional.

Wednesday 25-Thursday 26 May: Overnight field trip to the Apuseni Mountains - optional.

For more information go to our calendar:

 PAGES Magazine updates

The latest issue of Past Global Changes Magazine: Volcanoes and Climate is now available to read and download. This issue highlights how volcanic eruptions represent some of the most climatically important and societally disruptive short-term events in human history. It focuses on the history, processes, and consequences of large eruptions and how they affect the climate system.

The next issue will be on "Tipping Points" (contributions now closed), followed by "Climate change and cultural evolution". Contact Claudio Latorre before March 20 if would like to submit an article to "Climate Change and cultural evolution". 

► Three new working groups

PAGES will officially launch three new working groups in early February.

Climate Variability Across Scales: from centuries to millennia (CVAS) aims to develop statistical and modeling tools for analyzing and comparing time series and spatial distributions focusing on centennial and millennial time scales; prepare paleoclimate compilations (in both space and time), consistent with respect to their centennial and millennial scale variability, and to properly account for the role of variability in proxy recording on top of climate variability; better understand, quantify and assess climate variability in time and space, while taking into account intrinsic (often scale dependent) uncertainties; and develop open-source and easy to use software for above data analysis. 

Forest Dynamics aims to compile a spatial geodatabase of reconstructed disturbances from the sedimentary and dendroecology disciplines; synthesize forest disturbance dynamics through integrate sedimentary palaeoecological and dendroecological disturbance histories; and assess the shifting drives of vegetation dynamics during the Holocene.

Global PaleoFire Working Group 2 (GPWG2) will continue the work from the original Global Paleofire Working Group. They have four main objectives - integrate paleofire data with models to establish robust estimates of baseline trends and variability in fire regimes and carbon emissions on orbital to decadal time scales and at regional to global spatial scales; develop paleofire research projects that support fire managers, fire-risk assessment and sustainable fire management; use coupled data-model projects to address challenges in conservation, restoration, and biodiversity maintenance under changing climate conditions; and build capacity for advancing paleofire science in developing countries and among early-career researchers.

► Save the date! OSM & YSM 2017

PAGES is pleased to confirm the 2017 dates for the 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM) and 3rd Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) in Spain.

7-9 May 2017: YSM, in Morillo de Tou, north of Zaragoza.

9-13 May 2017: OSM, in Zaragoza.

14-16 May 2017: Various regional excursions - optional.

► Upcoming deadlines to attend PAGES working group meetings

LandCover6k: Human land use and subsistence history over the Holocene

European Association for Archaeologists (EAA) conference session (Vilnius, Lithuania, 31 August - 4 September 2016)

Abstract deadline: 15 February 2016

Global Paleofire Working Group 2: Fire history baselines by biome

Coordinators: Anne-Laure Daniau and Tim Brücher

Near Bordeaux, France, 25-29 September 2016

To apply: Email (al[dot]daniau[at]epoc[dot]u-bordeaux1[dot]fr) with your name, position, affiliation and a short paragraph (15 lines) explaining why you would like to attend the workshop, what you hope to contribute to the efforts, and what you are most interested in studying. Please note whether you will need funding support to attend the workshop.

Application deadline: 15 February 2016.

European Pollen Database meeting and training

1-3 June 2016, Aix-en-Provence, France

Apply by: 28 February 2016

Contact person: Thomas Giesecke (tgiesec[at]gwdg[dot]de)

Floods Working Group: Cross community workshop on past flood variability

The Floods Working Group will hold its first workshop in Grenoble (France) on June 27-30, 2016. Information on how to apply is available through the website.

Application deadline: 1 March 2016.

For further information go to:

Contacts: Bruno Wilhelm (bruno[dot]wilhelm[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr) or Stefanie Wirth (stefanie[dot]wirth[at]unine[dot]ch)

2k Network & PMIP: Comparing data and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era

1-3 June 2016, Palisades, NY, USA

Contact person: Jason Smerdon (jsmerdon[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu)

Deadlines still to be advised.

Regional Integration Theme: Dynamics of socio-ecosystems on a changing Earth: sustainability or collapse?

20 May-1 June 2016, Chambéry, France

Contact person: Fabien Arnaud (fabien[dot]arnaud[at]univ-smb[dot]fr)

Deadlines still to be advised.

Modeling isotope ratios in proxy climate records

2-5 May 2016, Friday Harbour, USA

Contact person: David Noone (dcn[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu)

Deadlines still to be advised.

► Recent PAGES products

Varves Working Group: Jenny JP, Francus P, Normandeau A, Lapointe F, Perga ME, Ojala AEK, Schimmelmann A & Zolitschka B. (2015) Global spread of hypoxia in freshwater ecosystems during the last three centuries is caused by rising local human pressure. Glob Change Biol. doi:10.1111/gcb.13193

Global Paleofire Working Group: Vannière B, Blarquez O, Rius D, Doyen E, Brücher T, Colombaroli D, Connor S, Feurdean A, Hickler T, Kaltenrieder P, Lemmen C, Leys B, Massa C & Olofsson J (2016). 7000-year human legacy of elevation-dependent European fire regimes. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 132. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.11.012

► SSC & EXCOM updates

PAGES welcomed five new SSC members in January 2016. Asfawossen Asrat (Ethiopia), Christiano Chiessi (Brazil), Michael Evans (USA), Lindsey Gillson (South Africa) and Katrin Meissner (Australia) join the 12 continuing members. See the full list here:

With co-chair Alan Mix’s second term coming to an end in December 2015, we welcome Sherilyn Fritz as the new co-chair with Hubertus Fischer. Sheri was interviewed about her role and plans for the future here:

 Future Earth update

What happens when past climate modeling experiments do not match with the climate data in tree rings, marine sediments or ice cores? Allegra LeGrande, co-editor of the most recent PAGES Magazine 'Volcanoes and Climate', discusses paleo experiment anomalies and volcanic events in this great blog post from Future Earth.

 WCRP update

CLIVAR Open Science Conference

“Charting the course for climate and ocean research”

18-25 September 2016

Qingdao, China

Abstract submission deadline: 15 March.

Poster cluster deadline 31 July to Anna Pirani of the ICPO ( (anna[dot]pirani[at]clivar[dot]org))

 Endorsed and affiliated groups update

IODP Scientific Ocean Drilling Proposals in 2016: IODP has issued a Call for Proposals emphasizing near-future scientific drilling operations by the JOIDES Resolution in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico in 2019 and 2020. New proposals for these and other regions are encouraged and should be submitted to this year’s deadlines of April 1 or October 1. More at

or email (science[at]iodp[dot]org)

Varves Working Group: Varves Working Group will transition from a current to an endorsed group in the coming weeks. All information will still be available on the website.

Climate History Network: Climate History Network now has a home institution, Georgetown University, for hosting workshops and a major conference dedicated to the connections between climate change and conflict. They also have a new domain name with a redesigned look and new resources.

The newest issue of the quarterly climate history newsletter is online at

The third episode of the Climate History Podcast is also live:



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