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PAGES e-news vol. 2016, no.9


1. PAGES 3rd YSM deadlines 1 October

2. Propose a new PAGES working group by 10 October

3. Apply for workshop/meeting support by 10 October

New Past Global Changes Magazine

5. PAGES pocketguide

6. PAGES 5th OSM registrations and abstracts

. Working Group updates, meetings and deadlines

8. Other PAGES-supported meetings and deadlines

9. Upcoming paleo conferences

10. Recent PAGES' products

11. Erle Ellis, PAGES' guest scientist, seeks volunteers

12. Future Earth updates

13. WCRP updates

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates


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1. PAGES 3rd YSM deadlines 1 October

Applications, abstract submissions and financial support requests for PAGES 3rd Young Scientists Meeting (Morillo de Tou, Spain, 7-9 May 2017) are all due 1 October 2016.

The YSM is open on a competitive basis to approximately 80 outstanding early-career researchers who meet the following criteria:

1. Age: Usually under 35 years

2. Career status: - PhD Students: Usually in the latter stages of their degree- Post-PhD: Usually within five years of completing their degree

3. Scientific scope: Paleoscientists (data-based or modelers) or global change scientists with a strong, proven interest in paleoscience.

Participants will be selected on the basis of the quality of the application and suitability. All details can be found at:

2. Propose a new PAGES working group by 10 October

Does your heart pound for paleoscience? Know others who feel the same? Contact a member of PAGES Scientific Steering Committee by 26 September to advise them of your plans before submitting a new PAGES working group proposal by 10 October. More at:

3. Apply for workshop/meeting support by 10 October

PAGES offers workshop/meeting support in three categories: Official PAGES Working Group, Educational, and Open Call. The next deadline for applications is 10 October. Applications should be received at least six months before the planned event date. Organizers need to contact a member of PAGES Scientific Steering Committee by 26 September to advise them of the workshop/meeting plans. More at:

4. New Past Global Changes Magazine

The latest Past Global Changes Magazine is now available to read online. Edited by Chris Turney, Chris Fogwill, Tim Lenton, Richard Jones and Lucien von Gunten, "Tipping Points" highlights how abrupt shifts can lead to irreversible changes in environmental and human systems, with important implications for reducing the uncertainty of future projections. Included are 52 pages of scientific highlights, program news and workshop reports.

If you would like to receive a hard copy, please contact (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

5. PAGES pocketguide

Short on time but keen to understand more about what PAGES does? Read the latest PAGES pocketguide, explaining our science structure, themes and initiatives:

6. PAGES 5th OSM registrations and abstracts

A reminder that registrations and abstract submissions are open for PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting (OSM) in Zaragoza, Spain, 9-13 May 2017.

Register for the OSM here:

More than 30 sessions have been confirmed. Access the list of sessions here:

Abstract submission and financial support application deadlines: 20 December 2016.

7. Working Group updates, meetings and deadlines

i. Global Paleofire 2 (GPWG2)

The group will hold the "Fire history baselines by biomes" workshop in Beguey, France, from 25-29 September:


The 4th PALSEA2 meeting will be held in Mt Hood, Oregon, USA, from 25-29 September:

iii. LandCover6k

The Pollen-based reconstructions of past land-cover change in Latin America workshop will be held in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, from 29-31 October:


The 2nd QUIGS workshop "Glacial terminations: Timing and Shape" will be held in Montreal, Canada, from 18-20 October:

vi. VICS

Date change! 2nd VICS workshop takes place 9 May 2017 in Zaragoza, Spain, prior to PAGES 5th OSM:

8. Other PAGES-supported meetings and deadlines

i. 5th West Africa Quaternary Research Association (WAQUA) training session

Bamako, Mali

26-30 September

ii. Overcoming reductionism when linking climate variability with human history – a cross-disciplinary approach in the Altai Mountains

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

10-14 April 2017

Registration deadline: 31 October

9. Upcoming paleo conferences

i. Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycles and Fluxes

San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

22-27 January 2017

Abstract submissions for this AGU Chapman Conference close 21 September.

ii. SHAPE INQUA Workshop: Southern Hemisphere climate of the present and past

Santiago, Chile

2-4 November 2016

Deadline: extended to 26 September.

iii. AQUA 2016: Australasian Quaternary Association Biennial Conference

Auckland, New Zealand

5-9 December 2016

iv. 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference

Interlaken, Switzerland

21-25 August 2017

Registrations and abstract submissions now open.

v. AFQUA 2017: The 2nd International Conference of The African Quaternary: Environments, Ecology and Humans

Ifrane, Morocco

Late September 2017

vi. PMIP meeting 2017

Stockholm, Sweden

25-29 September 2017

10. Recent PAGES' products

i. 2k Network:

a. The Nerilie Abram et al. paper "Early onset of industrial-era warming across the oceans and continents" was published in Nature 536 and attracted international attention.

Additional information supporting the release of the paper, including PAGES' press release and media mentions, can be accessed here:

b. An article associated with the Abram et al. paper, written by Helen McGregor et al., was published in The Conversation.

ii. Ocean2k and Euro-Med2k:

Incarbona A et al. published "Mediterranean circulation perturbations over the last five centuries: Relevance to past Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events" in Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 29623 (2016).

iii. Special issue:

A special issue of Quaternary International, "Climate change in the Balkan-Carpathian region during Late Pleistocene and Holocene", was published 10 September 2016. These papers resulted from a PAGES-supported conference in 2014.


11. Erle Ellis, PAGES' guest scientist, seeks volunteers

Long-time PAGES collaborator Erle Ellis is in Bern to work with the LandCover6k working group ( and GLP ( on his GLOBE project (

GLOBE currently supports real-time global geospatial analysis. The plan is to build a prototype for real-time geo-temporal analysis and visualization over the past 50,000 years. Ellis aims to show how both can connect in deep time, using online interactive tools. Volunteers are being sought. People involved in paleodata archives, geostatistics and visualization are encouraged to contact Ellis by November 30: (ece[at]umbc[dot]edu)

12. Future Earth updates

i. As an observer organization to the IPCC, Future Earth is invited to nominate experts to participate in a Scoping Meeting for a Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. The Scoping Meeting will be held during the week of 13 February 2017 (venue to be confirmed). Nominations need to be received no later than 29 September 18:00 CEST. More information and nomination form:

ii. The second "Best practices on transdisciplinary and co-designed research" webinar will be held 29 September at 11:00 and 16:00 UTC. Read more and register:

iii. Future Earth, along with ICSU and the Future Ocean (Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel), will host a workshop in Kiel, Germany, from 5-6 December 2016 to shape the Future Earth Oceans - Knowledge-Action Network. Deadline 5 October. Open to 60 participants; some travel funds available; keen to see representation from the social sciences, NGOs, industry, and other stakeholders and societal partners interested in ocean sustainability.

iv. The Future Earth Open Network will be launching soon. Be involved!

13. WCRP updates

i. September WCRP News:

ii. September CLIVAR Bulletin:

iii. The 4th MedCLIVAR conference will take place from 26-30 September 2016 in Athens, Greece.

iv. Call for nominations to SPARC's Scientific Steering Group (SSG): The SSG is currently comprised of 14 researchers from around the world with a wide range of expertise in atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. Deadline for nominations is 30 September

v. Call for nominations for WCRP/WWRP International Prize for Model Development 2016: WCRP and the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) seek nominations by 1 October. The prize is awarded annually for an outstanding contribution to weather and climate model development by an early- to mid-career researcher.

vi. Call for nominations for the first WCRP/GCOS International Data Prize 2016: WCRP and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) seek nominations by 1 October. The prize, awarded annually to an early- to mid-career researcher for his or her outstanding contribution to the Earth system science community, may honour achievements in data product generation, data management, data preservation, data monitoring, and other data relevant activities.

14. Endorsed and affiliated groups updates

i. HistoricalClimatology: Assistant Director Bathsheba Demuth investigates whether climate change forced the Thule people to migrate across the Arctic.

ii. IODP: The International Ocean Discovery Program is calling for scientific ocean drilling proposals in line with the IODP Science Plan Illuminating Earth’s Past, Present, and Future ( Proposal deadline 3 October.

More information at: and




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P: +41 31 631 56 11  |  F: +41 31 631 56 06  |

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