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PAGES e-news vol. 2017, no.5


1. Successful PAGES 3rd YSM and 5th OSM in Spain

2. Have your say! Take the PAGES survey

3. SSC member Braconnot at IPCC meeting

4. PAGES products

. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

6. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

7. ERC Visiting Fellowship programs

8. IPCC submission deadline 1 November

9. Future Earth updates

10. WCRP updates


1. Successful PAGES 3rd YSM and 5th OSM in Spain

PAGES thanks everyone involved in making both the 3rd Young Scientists Meeting and 5th Open Science Meeting a resounding success:

Since returning home, several YSM participants have written blog posts for their respective universities:

Access the OSM abstract book and program here:

Access the YSM abstract book and program here:

Plenary talk video recordings and other post-meeting material will be added to the OSM and YSM websites in the coming weeks:

2. Have your say! Take the PAGES survey

In case you missed it last month, PAGES has put together a survey to assess how scientists perceive PAGES and to identify its importance in their careers. All questions are optional and all answers are anonymous. Responses will be used as a basis for PAGES’ future goals and objectives. Read more and access the survey here:

3. SSC member Braconnot at IPCC meeting

PAGES SSC member Pascale Braconnot was selected from more than 1000 nominations to take part in the Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), from 1-5 May 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The goal was to consider the outline of the Sixth Assessment Report at a Plenary session of the IPCC, provisionally scheduled for October 2017.

4. PAGES products

i. PALSEA2: In May, the working group had workshop reports published in Eos and Quaternary Perspectives:

ii. Special Issue: The call for contributions is open for the third special issue volume of Quaternary International, stemming from a PAGES-supported meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in May 2016. The volume is called "European paleoscience". All enquiries and contributions to Marcel Mindrescu: (marcel[dot]mindrescu[at]gmail[dot]com)

5. PAGES Working Group meetings and deadlines

i. C-PEAT:

"TropPeat: Low-latitude peat-forming ecosystems: past, present, future" workshop

Honolulu, Hawaii

7-9 June 2017

ii. DAPS:

Proxy system modeling and data assimilation in paleosciences workshop

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

29 May-1 June 2017

iii. GPWG2:

Paleofire knowledge for current and future ecosystem management

Montreal, Canada

10-15 October 2017

iv. OC3:

Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling during the Last Deglaciation: Regional Syntheses of Carbon Isotope Data

Corvallis, USA

27-29 June 2017


Interglacials of the 41kyr-world and of the Middle Pleistocene Transition

Molyvos, Greece

28-30 August 2017

vi. SISAL:

Toward a Global Synthesis of Stable Isotope Records from Speleothems

Dublin, Ireland

21-23 June 2017

6. Upcoming PAGES-supported meetings

i. Pollen-Climate Methods Inter-comparison Project (PC-MIP) Workshop

Caux, Switzerland

13-15 June 2017

ii. Decades of Quaternary Research in Eastern Africa: Implications for Sustainable Future

Mukono, Uganda

4-7 July 2017

iii. IODP-PAGES Workshop on Global Monsoon in Long-term Records

Shanghai, China

7-9 September 2017

iv. PaleoEvent Data Standards for Dendrochronology Workshop

Woodland Park, USA

10-14 September 2017

v. 1st PMIP Phase 4 meeting

Stockholm, Sweden

25-29 September 2017

Abstract deadline: extended to 7 June

vi. The Rise and Fall: Environmental Factors in the Socio-Cultural Changes of the Ancient Silk Road Area

Kiel, Germany

28-29 September 2017

Abstract deadline: 30 June

7. ERC Visiting Fellowship programs

The European Research Council advises the current Call for Expression of Interest for Visiting Fellowship programs in 2017 closes 15 June. All details: or email (ERC-VISITING-FELLOWSHIP-PROGRAMMES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

8. IPCC submission deadline 1 November

The IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C is underway. The report will assess literature relevant to the question of the impacts of 1.5°C warming above pre-industrial levels and related global GHG emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty.

To be included in the report, the literature cut-off dates are 1 November 2017 for manuscripts to be submitted and 15 May 2018 for acceptance.

9. Future Earth updates

i. A report from PAGES' Warmer Worlds workshop (Bern, Switzerland, April 2017) was published on the Future Earth Blog:

ii. Read the April newsletter:

iii. Invitation to Participate in External Review of IPBES Assessments by Governments and Experts:

iv. Read the Future Earth Coasts May newsletter:

v. Two internships available at the Montreal Hub. Communication & Events Intern for three months (deadline 6 June) and Coordination & Information Technology Intern for six months (deadline 19 June). Apply for both here:

10. WCRP updates

i. WCRP Director Dave Carlson is leaving at the end of June 2017. Read his letter to the scientific community:

ii. WCRP and the Global Carbon Project (GCP) established a Scientific Partnership Agreement in April 2017:

iii. Women in Science event wrap, including section about YESS:

iv. Access the CLIVAR May Bulletin:




PAGES - Past Global Changes  |  International Project Office

Falkenplatz 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 631 56 11  |

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