CarpClim - Carpathian Climate and Environment Working Group
Photo credit: Marcel Mindrescu.
Since 2011, a group of scientists working in the Carpathian Region has met regularly at conferences (many of which were supported by PAGES, such as the workshops on climate changes and paleoclimate in Romania; see below) or for joint research and projects.
These formal meetings resulted in the publication of reports, abstract volumes and special issues of Web of Science journals. All these research products draw attention to the increased sensitivity of the Carpathian environments to ongoing and future climatic and anthropogenic pressure. They also highlight the importance of finding sustainable short- to long-term strategies for the management and conservation of this unique, high-biodiversity region, which also hosts Europe’s largest unmanaged old-growth forests.
Central and Eastern Europe have few such recognized groups or initiatives, and even this cluster of researchers working in the Carpathian Region required eight years to take shape and consolidate as a core group.
This CarpClim Working Group, which launched in late 2019, is planned for the next two decades. The most important products will be a planned biannual magazine and organizing a workshop every two years, to facilitate and strengthen ongoing and future collaboration of established and early-career scientists working in the Carpathian Region.
The workshops organized thus far - and the subsequent initiatives and projects undertaken as a result of the knowledge exchange, as well as personal networking facilitated by these events - led to the formation of a core group of scientists, including both senior and early-career researchers, who have shown consistent interest for the climatic and environmental changes in the Carpathian area.
These researchers, who come from various scientific backgrounds (comprising geology, geography, biology, (paleo)ecology, spatial management and planning, (paleo)climatology etc.) are in close contact and perpetually search for opportunities to meet, exchange ideas and work together.
The CarpClim Working Group has been established to build a solid framework in the shape of a formal initiative. It is also supported by the University of Suceava, Romania, Romania Association of Applied Geography Geoconcept, and National Council of Research in Romania (CNCS).
Connection to PAGES
Many people involved in CarpClim are PAGES members or have participated in PAGES events and are, therefore, well acquainted with its interests, standards and expectations. This PAGES' endorsement greatly contributes to creating a strong network of experienced and young scientists which would lead to a deeper understanding on the vulnerability and future evolution of an area which remains underinvestigated to date.
Past conferences and workshops
1. Interdisciplinarity in Geosciences in the Carpathian Basin - October 2012. All details here.
2. Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic variability in the Carpathian-Balkan region - November 2014. All details here.
3. Central and Eastern Europe Paleoscience Symposium: From Local to Global - May 2016. All details here.
Workshop 2020
The group will conduct a workshop in September 2020. All details here.
See the list of key scientists involved with the group on the People page.
Read about the group's plans on the Objectives page.
Further information
Email the group's leader Marcel Mindrescu: (mindrescu[at]atlas[dot]usv[dot]ro)
Call for secondhand lab and field equipment
An open-air laboratory has been established in the Carpathians at the Carpathian Interdisciplinary Research Center (CIRC). CarpClim leaders are looking to collect secondhand (or over used) lab and field equipment from partners in Europe. The equipment should still be functional but not used anymore (old fashioned, not updated, needing repair, etc). Shipping would be paid for by CIRC. This center is considered as the CarpClim headquarters. If you have suitable equipment, please contact Marcel Mindrescu.