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Seminar series


The Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group invites interested parties to attend an online seminar series on “climate model development and tuning”.

CVAS is thrilled to announce the launch of the CVAS seminar series, focusing on climate model development and tuning, a key aspect of CVAS phase 3. 
Our aim is to foster engaging discussions by inviting experts in climate model development to share insights into their work's history, philosophy, and the challenges they face. Specifically, we seek to explore the ability of climate models to simulate potential instability, or whether they were "Built for stability" (Valdes, 2011;

We are eager to develop approaches that enable us to explore a broader model parameter space and identify parameters associated with the amplitude and spatial structure of supra-decadal variability. This will enhance our ability to reproduce changes observed in paleoclimate data, thus bolstering our confidence in climate models' capacity to simulate future changes.


6th CVAS seminar series on Clearing Clouds of Uncertainty with the Help of Paleoclimate
11 July
Speaker:  Jiang Zhu
> Calendar 

Please get in touch with the CVAS steering committee if you would like to know more. 

Past Seminars 2024

> 5th CVAS seminar series
Date: 27 June
Speakers: Peter Hopcroft and Myriam Khodri

> 4th CVAS seminar series
13 June
Speakers: Alexander Robinson and Matteo Willeit6

> 3rd CVAS seminar series on the effect of model biases on the stability of the AMOC
30 May 2024
Speaker: Henk Dijkstra 

> 2nd CVAS seminar series on spatio-temporal temperature variability structure 
16 May 2024
Speakers: Pepijn Bakker

> 1st CVAS seminar series on Climate Model Development and Tuning 
2 May 2024
Speakers: Lars Ackerman and Gerrit Lohmann

2022 – 2023

The Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group invites interested parties to attend an online seminar series on “Proxy System Modelling”.

In the seminar series the topic will be approached from different proxies. 

The group aims for the most exhaustive approach possible, and collected contributions covering a wide range of proxies such as lake and marine sediments, pollen archives, glacier and ice, corals, clams and sclerosponges, speleothems, dendrochronological records, etc. 

The main lines of inquiries the group wishes to explore (but not limited to) in this seminar, through presentations and discussion, concern:

  1. The impact of the recording process on variability as a function of timescales
  2. How are processes damping/amplifying/preserving high and/or low-frequency variability? What is the minimal PSM we need for the purpose of understanding the spectrum of climate variability?
  3. What numerical/field/lab experiments would be needed to validate the models and to estimate their parameters?

There will be one to two speakers for each topic, who will give approx. 15 min presentations, followed by an open discussion, which is an important integral part of the seminar series.

To access the live schedule in the Google Doc, please contact a member of the CVAS steering committee.

Past Seminars: 2022 – 2023

Seventh CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
21 February 2023
Features proxy: Dendrochronology
Speakers: Ignacio Hermoso de Mendoza (UQAM/GEOTOP, Quebec)

> Sixth CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
07 February 2023
Features proxy: Pollen
Speakers: Andrew Parnell (Maynooth University, Ireland)

Fifth CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
24 January 2023
Features proxy: Marine Sediments
Speakers: Andrew Dolman (AWI) and Brett Melcalfe (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)

Fourth CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
10 January 2023
Features proxy: C14, Sediments and bioturbation
Speakers: Bryan Lougheed (Uppsala University, Sweden) and  Andrew Dolman (AWI, Germany)

Third CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
13 December 2022
Features proxy: Corals
Speakers: Matthew Fischer (ANSTO, Australia)

Second CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
01 December 2022
Features proxy: Speleothems
Speakers: James Baldini (Durham University, UK) Nikita Kaushal (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

First CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling
15 November 2022
Features proxy: Intro - Glacier and Ice
Speakers: Thomas Laepple (AWI, Germany) and Mathieu Casado (AWI, Germany)