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Meeting Products

Meeting participants (2015) Asia2k 4th Workshop Presentations (link)
Meeting participants (2010) Asia2k 1st Workshop Presentations (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

Takeshi Nakatsuka (2015) Toward an Asian hydroclimate field reconstruction, Past Global Changes Magazine, 23(2), 79 (link)
Quansheng Ge, Z. Hao, X. Shao, H. Borgaonkar, J. Luterbacher, T. Nakatsuka, M. Sano, O. Solomina and L. Zhou (2014) Understanding and reconstructing the Asian climate of the last 2000 years, Past Global Changes Magazine, 22(2), 99 (link)
Masaki Sano, Shi Feng, Takeshi Nakatsuka and Asia2k members (2012) 2nd Workshop of the PAGES Asia2k Working Group, PAGES news, 20(2), 93 (link)
Takeshi Nakatsuka and Masaki Sano (2011) The first Asia2k regional workshop, Past Global Changes Magazine, 19(1), 38 (link)

Journal articles

Zhang H, Yuan N, Esper J, Werner JP, Xoplaki E, Büntgen U, Treydte K & Luterbacher J (2015) Modified climate with long term memory in tree ring proxies, Environmental Research Letters, 10 (link)
Ge Q, Zheng J & Hao Z (2015) PAGES synthesis study on climate changes in Asia over the last 2000 years: Progresses and perspectives (in Chinese), ACTA Geographica Sinica, 70 (link)
Shi F, Ge Q, Yang B, Li J, Yang F, Ljungqvist FC, Solomina O, Nakatsuka T, Wang N, Zhao S, Xu C, Fang K, Sano M, Chu G, Fan Z, Gaire N & Zafar M (2015) A multi-proxy reconstruction of spatial and temporal variations in Asian summer temperatures over the last millennium, Climatic Change, 131, 663-676 (link)
Cook ER, Krusic PJ, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, Nakatsuka T, Sano M & PAGES Asia2k Members (2013) Tree-Ring Reconstructed Summer Temperature Anomalies for Temperate East Asia Since 800 C.E., Climate Dynamics, vol. 41(11-12), 2957-2972 (link)


Asia2k Working Group (2010) PAGES 1st Asia 2k Workshop (link)