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Special issues

Eds: Dodson JR & Guo ZT
Special issues
Global and Planetary Change
Eds: Andres W & Litt T
Special issues
Quaternary International

This special issue presents results of the priority research program "Changes of the geo-biosphere during the last 15,000 years — continental sediments as evidence for changing environmental conditions". The program was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and was a German contribution to PAGES.

> Editorial [p.1]
Andres W & Litt T

> Bio- and chronostratigraphy of the lateglacial in the Eifel region, Germany [p.5]
Litt T & Stebich M

> Lateglacial calendar year chronology based on annually laminated sediments from Lake Meerfelder Maar, Germany [p.17]
Brauer A, Endres C & Negendank JFW

> Paleo-environment and radiocarbon calibration as derived from Lateglacial/Early Holocene tree-ring chronologies [p.27]
Friedrich M, Kromer B, Spurk M, Hofmann J & Kaiser KF

> Varve chronology and palynology of the Lateglacial in Northwest Germany from lacustrine sediments of Hämelsee in Lower Saxony [p.41]
Merkt J & Müller H

> Evolution and environmental impacts of the eruption of Laacher See Volcano (Germany) 12,900 a BP [p.61]
Schmincke H-U, Park C & Harms E


Eds: Kroepelin S & Petit-Maire N
Special issues
Global and Planetary Change

This special issue includes 18 articles based on papers presented by internationally renown quaternarists at the Berlin (1995) and Siwa (1997) "Paleomonsoons" meetings. It is a contribution to the Paleomonsoons Project of INQUA and PAGES, in coordination with several other international programmes such as the Pole-Equator-Pole Transects (PEP I–III), the International Decade of East African Lakes (IDEAL) and the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP).

> Paleomonsoon variations and terrestrial environmental change during the late Quaternary [p.vii]
Kröpelin S & Petit-Maire N

> Holocene palaeoclimates in northwestern Sudan: stable isotope studies on molluscs [p.1]
Abell PI & Hoelzmann P

> Modern and palaeo-modelling in the Great Sand Sea of Egypt (initial results from the Cologne Cooperative Research Project 389) [p.13]
Besler H

> Pollen-inferred precipitation time-series from equatorial mountains, Africa, the last 40 kyr BP [p.25]
Bonnefille R & Chalié F

> Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum African monsoon changes as simulated within the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project [p.51]
Braconnot P, Joussaume S, Noblet Nd & Ramstein G

> Loess accumulation and soil formation in Kaokoland (Northern Namibia) as indicators of Quaternary climatic change [p.67]
Brunotte E & Sander H

> Site-specific high-resolution models of the monsoon for Africa and Asia [p.77]
Bryson RA & Bryson RU

> Factors favouring precipitation in North Africa: seen from the viewpoint of present-day climatology [p.85]
Geb M

> Holocene non-orbital climatic events in present-day arid areas of northern Africa and China [p.97]
Guo Z, Petit-Maire N & Kröpelin S

> Precipitation estimates for the eastern Saharan palaeomonsoon based on a water balance model of the West Nubian Palaeolake Basin [p.105]
Hoelzmann P, Kruse H-J & Rottinger F

> Last Glacial Maximum lacustrine and fluviatile Formations in the Tibesti and other Saharan mountains, and large-scale climatic teleconnections linked to the activity of the Subtropical Jet Stream [p.121]
Maley J

> The nature of rainfall variability over Africa on time scales of decades to millenia [p.137]
Nicholson SE

> Long-term temporal characteristics of palaeomonsoon dynamics in equatorial Africa [p.159]
Olago DO, Street-Perrott FA, Perrott RA, Ivanovich M, Harkness DD & Odada EO

> The Pleistocene/Holocene transition in South Africa: evidence for the Younger Dryas event [p.173]
Abell PI & Plug I

> Seasonality in the early Holocene climate of Northwest Sudan: interpretation of Etheria elliptica shell isotopic data [p.181]
Rodrigues D, Abell PI & Kröpelin S

> Abrupt retreat of summer monsoon at the S1/L1 boundary in China [p.189]
Rousseau D-D & Kukla G

> The terrestrial mollusks as new indices of the Asian paleomonsoons in the Chinese loess plateau [p.199]
Rousseau D-D, Wu N & Guo Z

> Evidence for environmental conditions during the last 20 000 years in Southern Africa from 13C in fossil hyrax dung [p.207]
Scott L & Vogel JC

> Processes controlling trace element geochemistry of Arabian Sea sediments during the last 25,000 years [p.217]
Sirocko F, Garbe-Schönberg D & Devey C

> Late Quaternary environments in the White Nile region, Sudan [p.305]
Williams MAJ, Adamson D, Cock B & McEvedy R

Eds: Ammann B & Oldfield F
Special issues
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

This special issue outlining some key findings from the project, informally called the ‘Rapid Warming Project' the goal of which is to assess the qualitative and quantitative responses of various groups of organisms to rapid climatic changes in the past.

> Rapid-Warming Project [p.v]
Ammann B & Oldfield F

> Biotic responses to rapid climatic changes: Introduction to a multidisciplinary study of the Younger Dryas and minor oscillations on an altitudinal transect in the Swiss Alps [p.191]
Ammann B

> Oxygen isotopes of lake marl at Gerzensee and Leysin (Switzerland), covering the Younger Dryas and two minor oscillations, and their correlation to the GRIP ice core [p.203]
Schwander J, Eicher U & Ammann B

> Isotope signature of the Younger Dryas and two minor oscillations at Gerzensee (Switzerland): palaeoclimatic and palaeolimnologic interpretation based on bulk and biogenic carbonates [p.215]
Grafenstein Uv, Eicher U, Erlenkeuser H, Ruch P, Schwander J & Ammann B

> Vegetational response to climatic changes recorded in Swiss Late Glacial lake sediments [p.231]
Wick L

> Macrofossils as records of plant responses to rapid Late Glacial climatic changes at three sites in the Swiss Alps [p.251]
Tobolski K & Ammann B

> Late-glacial fossil midge stratigraphies (Insecta: Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Swiss Alps [p.261]
Brooks SJ

> Response of the chydorid faunas to rapid climatic changes in four alpine lakes at different altitudes [p.281]
Hofmann W

> Lateglacial and Early Holocene insect assemblages from sites at different altitudes in the Swiss Alps—implications on climate and environment [p.293]
Lemdahl G

> Quantification of biotic responses to rapid climatic changes around the Younger Dryas — a synthesis [p.313]
Ammann B, Birks HJB, Brooks SJ, Eicher U, Grafenstein Uv, Hofmann W, Lemdahl G, Schwander J, Tobolski K & Wick L

> Younger Dryas and Allerød summer temperatures at Gerzensee (Switzerland) inferred from fossil pollen and cladoceran assemblages [p.349]
Lotter AF, Birks HJB, Eicher U, Hofmann W, Schwander J & Wick L

Eds: Oldfield F & Berthier F
Special issues
Journal of Paleolimnology

This special issue presents research started in 1992 on sediments from a deep core from the Grand Lac d’Annecy, France, along with initial results from parallel
studies based on a range of shorter cores. This work was under a former PAGES Focus on Human Interactions in Past Global Changes and the former PEP III (Pole-Equator-Pole transect through Europe and Africa) Working Group.

> The multi-proxy late-Pleistocene and Holocene record from the sediments of the Grand Lac d'Annecy, eastern France [p.133]
Oldfield F & Berthier F

> The lacustrine depression at Annecy (France), geological setting and Quaternary evolution [p.137]
Nicoud G & Manalt F

> The late Quaternary sedimentary infill of Lake Annecy (northwestern Alps): an overview from two seismic-reflection surveys [p.149]
Beck C, Rensbergen PV, Batist MD, Berthier F, Lallier S & Manalt F

> Chronology and depositional processes of the laminated sediment record from Lac d'Annecy, French Alps [p.163]
Brauer A & Casanova J

> Evolution of clay mineral assemblages and organic matter in the late glacial-Holocene sedimentary infill of Lake Annecy, (northwestern Alps): paleoenvironmental implications [p.179]
Manalt F, Beck C, Disnar J-R, Deconinck J-F & Recourt P

> The environmental significance of magnetic measurements of Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments from the Grand Lac d'Annecy, eastern France [p.193]
Hu Y, Oldfield F, Manalt F & Beck C

> Evolution of the trophic state of Lake Annecy (eastern France) since the last glaciation as indicated by iron, manganese and phosphorus speciation [p.205]
Loizeau J-L, Span D, Coppee V & Dominik J

> Early and late Holocene water-level fluctuations of Lake Annecy, France: sediment and pollen evidence and climatic implications [p.215]
Magny M, Marguet A, Chassepot GH & Billaud Y

> Human impact and soil erosion during the last 5000 yrs as recorded in lacustrine sedimentary organic matter at Lac d'Annecy, the French Alps [p. 229]
Noël H, Garbolino E, Brauer A, Lallier-Vergès E, Beaulieu J-Ld & Disnar J-R

> Preliminary reconstruction of sediment-source linkages for the past 6000 yr at the Petit Lac d'Annecy, France, based on mineral magnetic data [p.245]
Dearing J, Hu Y, Doody P, James PA & Brauer A

> Palyno- and chronostratigraphy of a long sequence from Lac d'Annecy (northern outer Alps, France) [p.259]
David F, Farjanel G & Jolly MP

Eds: Catto N, Chlachula J & Kadlec J
Special issues
Quaternary International

This special issue is a compilation of contributions from the International Conference on Past Global Changes held 6–9 September 2000 in Prague, Czech Republic. These contributions focus on areas outside of Europe. A companion volume focuses on European research.

> Late Pleistocene and Holocene Climate and Geoarchaeology International Conference on Past Global Changes (PAGES) Praha, September 2000 [p.1]
Catto N

> Paleoclimatic record of speleothems in a tropical region: study of laminated sequences from a Holocene stalagmite in Central–West Brazil [p.3]
Bertaux J, Sondag F, Santos R, Soubiès F, Causse C, Plagnes V, Cornec FL & Seidel A

> Archaeological constraints on some geological interpretations of a Late Wisconsinan site at Varsity Estates, Calgary, Alberta [p.17]
Chlachula J

> Chronostratigraphy of aeolianites from the Sharon Coastal Plain of Israel [p.31]
Frechen M, Neber A, Dermann B, Tsatskin A, Boenigk W & Ronen A

> Geochemistry of the Lisan and Damya Formations in Jordan, and implications for palaeoclimate [p.45]
Landmann G, Qudaira GMA, Shawabkeh K & V Wrede SK

> Radiocarbon dates and the Late Quaternary palaeogeography of the Province of the Eastern Cape, South Africa [p.59]
Lewis CA

> The nature of ‘stone-lines’ in the African Quaternary record: archaeological resolution at the rainforest site of Mosumu, Equatorial Guinea [p.71]
Mercader J, Martı́ R, Martı́nez JL & Brooks A

> Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic records from permafrost deposits in the Arctic region of Northern Siberia [p.97]
Schirrmeister L, Siegert C, Kuznetsova T, Kuzmina S, Andreev A, Kienast F, Meyer H & Bobrov A

> Late Quaternary sedimentation history of the Lena Delta [p.119]
Schwamborn G, Rachold V & Grigoriev MN

> Late Pleistocene palaeolakes in the Andean and Extra-Andean Patagonia at mid-latitudes of South America [p.135]
Tatur A, Valle Rd, Bianchi M-M, Outes V, Villarosa G, Niegodzisz J & Debaene G

> Geomorphic evidence for late Quaternary environmental change from the eastern Great Karoo margin, South Africa [p.151]
Thomas DS, Holmes PJ, Bateman MD & Marker ME

> Holocene environmental history of western Ymer Ø, East Greenland, inferred from lake sediments [p.165]
Wagner B & Melles M

Eds: Chlachula J, Kadlec J & Catto N
Special issues
Quaternary International

This special issue is a compilation of contributions from the International Conference on Past Global Changes held 6–9 September 2000 in Prague, Czech Republic. These contributions focus on areas within Europe. A companion volume focuses on research outside Europe.

> Late Pleistocene and Holocene Investigations in Europe, International Conference on Past Global Changes (PAGES), Praha, September 2000 [p.1]
Chlachula J, Kadlec J & Catto N

> Geomagnetic forcing and climatic variations in Europe, North America and in the Pacific Ocean [p.5]
Bucha V & Bucha V Jr.

> The relation between climate and river processes, landforms and deposits during the Quaternary [p.17]
Vandenberghe J

> Change in the frequency of extreme events as the indicator of climatic change in the Holocene (in fluvial systems) [p.25]
Starkel L

> Oscillations of the water balance during the Holocene in interior Central Europe—features, dating and consequences [p.33]
Jäger K-D

> Holocene climatic changes in Iceland: evidence from modelling glacier length fluctuations at Sólheimajökull [p.39]
Mackintosh AN, Dugmore AJ & Hubbard AL

> Quatermalacological analyses for modeling of the Upper Weichselian palaeoenvironmental changes in the Carpathian Basin [p.53]
Sümegi P & Krolopp E

> Evidence of climatic variations in loess and cave Palaeolithic sites of southern Poland and western Ukraine [p.65]
Madeyska T

> Climate changes in East Europe and Siberia at the Late glacial–holocene transition [p.75]
Velichko AA, Catto N, Drenova AN, Klimanov VA, Kremenetski KV & Nechaev VP

> A high-resolution record of Late-Glacial and Early-Holocene climatic and environmental change in the Czech Republic [p.101]
Pokorný P

> Diversified development of mountain mires, Bohemian Forest, Central Europe, in the last 13,000 years [p.123]
Svobodová H, Soukupová L & Reille M

> Climate-induced changes in Holocene calcareous tufa formations, Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic [p.137]
Žák K, Ložek V, Kadlec J, Hladı́ková J & Cı́lek V


Eds: Clark P & Mix A
Special issues
Quaternary Science Reviews

This is a special issue from EPILOG (Environmental Processes of the Ice-Age: Land, Oceans, Glaciers), which was a Working Group under IMAGES, a former PAGES Focus and a predecessor of MARGO. The papers arose from an EPILOG workshop held 1-5 October 2000 in Oregon, USA.

> Ice sheets and sea level of the Last Glacial Maximum [p.1]
Clark P & Mix A

> The Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum [p.9]
Dyke AS, Andrews JT, Clark PU, England JH, Miller GH, Shaw J & Veillette JJ

> The Goldilocks dilemma: big ice, little ice, or “just-right” ice in the Eastern Canadian Arctic [p.33]
Miller GH, Wolfe AP, Steig EJ, Sauer PE, Kaplan MR & Briner JP

> The Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum and its subsequent retreat history: a review [p.49]
Anderson JB, Shipp SS, Lowe AL, Wellner JS & Mosola AB

> History and isostatic effects of the last ice sheet in southern British Columbia [p.71]
Clague JJ & James TS

> New data for the Last Glacial Maximum in Great Britain and Ireland [p.89]
Bowen DQ, Phillips FM, McCabe AM, Knutz PC & Sykes GA

> Last Glacial Maximum in Poland [p.103]
Marks L

> The extent of the Barents–Kara ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum [p.111]
Mangerud J, Astakhov V & Svendsen J-I

> The Russian component of an Arctic Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum [p.121]
Grosswald MG & Hughes TJ

> A note on the extent of glaciation throughout the Himalaya during the global Last Glacial Maximum [p.147]
Grosswald MG & Hughes TJ

> The timing of the Last Glacial Maximum in Australia [p.159]
Barrows TT, Stone JO, Fifield LK & Cresswell RG

> North American Ice Sheet reconstructions at the Last Glacial Maximum [p.175]
Marshall SJ, James TS & Clarke GKC

> Reconstructing the Antarctic Ice Sheet at the Last Glacial Maximum [p.193]
Denton GH & Hughes TJ

> Sea-level changes at the LGM from ice-dynamic reconstructions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets during the glacial cycles [p.203]
Huybrechts P

> The Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation in southern South America [p.233]
Hulton NRJ, Purves RS, McCulloch RD, Sugden DE & Bentley MJ

> Simulations of Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet retreat:: sensitivity to physical mechanisms involved during the Last Deglaciation [p.243]
Charbit S, Ritz C & Ramstein G

> Calving bays [p.267]
Hughes T

> Reconstructing a 350 ky history of sea level using planktonic Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope records from a Cocos Ridge core [p.283]
Lea DW, Martin PA, Pak DK & Spero HJ

> Sea-level and deep water temperature changes derived from benthic foraminifera isotopic records [p.295]
Waelbroeck C, Labeyrie L, Michel E, Duplessy JC, McManus JF, Lambeck K, Balbon E & Labracherie M

> Atmospheric oxygen 18 and sea-level changes [p.307]
Jouzel J, Hoffmann G, Parrenin F & Waelbroeck C

> Constraints on the ocean oxygen isotopic enrichment between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene: Paleoceanographic implications [p.315]
Duplessy J-C, Labeyrie L & Waelbroeck C

> The oxygen isotopic composition of seawater during the Last Glacial Maximum [p.331]
Schrag DP, Adkins JF, McIntyre K, Alexander JL, Hodell DA, Charles CD & McManus JF

> Into and out of the Last Glacial Maximum: sea-level change during Oxygen Isotope Stages 3 and 2 [p.343]
Lambeck K, Yokoyama Y & Purcell T

> Estimating past continental ice volume from sea-level data [p.361]
Milne GA, Mitrovica JX & Schrag DP

> On eustatic sea level history: Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene [p.377]
Peltier WR

> Global to local scale parameters determining relative sea-level changes and the post-glacial isostatic adjustment of Great Britain [p.397]
Shennan I, Peltier WR, Drummond R & Horton B

> Comments on the paper of Yokoyama et al. (2000), entitled “Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum from observed sea level minima” [p.409]
Peltier WR

> Reply to the comment by W.R. Peltier [p.415]
Lambeck K, Yokoyama Y, Purcell A & Johnston P

> Isotopic balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet: modelled concentrations of water isotopes from 30,000 BP to present [p.419]
Clarke GKC & Marshall SJ

> A northern lead in the orbital band: north–south phasing of Ice-Age events [p.431]
Alley RB, Brook EJ & Anandakrishnan S

> Dansgaard–Oeschger events: is there a signal off the Hudson Strait Ice Stream? [p.443]
Andrews JT & Barber DC

Eds: Dodson J & Schulmeister J
Special issues
Global and Planetary Change

This special issue contains ten papers on PAGES-related work in New Zealand, with a particular focus on the former PEP II (Pole-Equator-Pole transect through Australasia) Working Group.

> Introduction: PAGES research in New Zealand [p.205]
Dodson J & Schulmeister J

> A multi-millennial palaeoclimatic resource from Lagarostrobos colensoi tree-rings at Oroko Swamp, New Zealand [p.209]
Cook ER, Palmer JG, Cook BI, Hogg A & D'Arrigo RD

> Tephrostratigraphy and geochronology of a ca. 120 ka terrestrial record at Lake Poukawa, North Island, New Zealand [p.221]
Shane P, Lian OB, Augustinus P, Chisari R & Heijnis H

> Glaciations, interglaciations and reworked microfossils in Poukawa Basin, New Zealand [p.243]
Harper MA & Collen JD

> Phytolith analysis and paleoenvironmental reconstruction from Lake Poukawa Core, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand [p.257]
Carter JA

> Vegetation changes and their climatic implication for the late Pleistocene at Lake Poukawa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand [p.269]
Okuda M, Shulmeister J & Flenley JR

> A Holocene and latest Pleistocene pollen record from Lake Poukawa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand [p.283]
McGlone MS

> Quaternary vegetation and climate changes on Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand [p.301]
Soons JM, Moar NT, Shulmeister J, Wilson HD & Carter JA

> Late Glacial beech forest: an 18,000–5000-BP pollen record from Auckland, New Zealand [p.315]
Lancashire AK, Flenley JR & Harper M

> A dated pollen record of vegetation change on Mayor Island (Tuhua) throughout the last 3000 years [p.329]
Empson L, Flenley J & Sheppard P

> Source, sea level and circulation effects on the sediment flux to the deep ocean over the past 15 ka off eastern New Zealand [p.339]
Lionel Carter, Barbara Manighetti, Mike Elliot, Noel Trustrum, Basil Gomez

Eds: Wooller MJ & Beuning KR
Special issues
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

The papers in this special issue were presented at the first Paleo-Grassland Research workshop (PGR 2000), held in Westbrook, USA from 1-3 June 2000. The workshop was co-sponsored by PAGES.

> Introduction to the reconstruction and modeling of grass-dominated ecosystems [p.1]
Wooller MJ & Beuning K

> On the interpretation of fossil Poaceae pollen in the lowland humid neotropics [p.5]
Bush MB

> South and southeast Brazilian grasslands during Late Quaternary times: a synthesis [p.19]
Behling H

> Pollen-based biome reconstructions for the past 450 000 yr from the Funza-2 core, Colombia: comparisons with model-based vegetation reconstructions [p.29]
Marchant R, Boom A & Hooghiemstra H

> Grassland development under glacial and interglacial conditions in southern Africa: review of pollen, phytolith and isotope evidence [p.47]
Scott L

> The origin and spread of grass-dominated ecosystems in the late Tertiary of North America: preliminary results concerning the evolution of hypsodonty [p.59]
Strömberg CAE

> Reconstruction of the late Pleistocene grassland of the Columbia basin, Washington, USA, based on phytolith records in loess [p.77]
Blinnikov M, Busacca A & Whitlock C

> Holocene paleoenvironments in southeastern Minnesota – chasing the prairie-forest ecotone [p.103]
Baker RG, Bettis EA, Denniston RF, Gonzalez LA, Strickland LE & Krieg J

> Changes in graminoid stomatal morphology over the last glacial–interglacial transition: evidence from Mount Kenya, East Africa [p.123]
Wooller MJ & Agnew ADQ

> Reconstruction of a subalpine grass-dominated ecosystem, Lake Rutundu, Mount Kenya: a novel multi-proxy approach [p.137]
Ficken KJ, Wooller MJ, Swain DL, Street-Perrott FA & Eglinton G

> CO2- and temperature-controlled altitudinal shifts of C4- and C3-dominated grasslands allow reconstruction of palaeoatmospheric pCO2 [p.151]
Boom A, Marchant R, Hooghiemstra H & Damsté JSS

> Effects of charring on the carbon isotopic composition of grass (Poaceae) epidermis [p.169]
Beuning KRM & Scott JE

> The origins and evolution of the North American grassland biome: the story from the hoofed mammals [p.183]
Janis CM, Damuth J & Theodor JM

> Pedogenic carbonate cutans on clasts in soils as a record of history of grassland ecosystems [p.199]
Pustovoytov KE