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Special issues

Eds: Alverson K, Oldfield F & Bradley R
Special issues
Quaternary Science Reviews

The 27 papers gathered here form part of the outcome of the 1st PAGES Open Science Meeting, held 19-23 April 1998 in London, UK. The title of the meeting was "Past Global Changes and Their Significance for the Future".

> PAGES — Past Global Changes and their Significance for the future: an Introduction [p.3]
Alverson K & Oldfield F

> The ice record of greenhouse gases: a view in the context of future changes [p.9]
Raynaud D, Barnola J-M, Chappellaz J, Blunier T, Indermühle A & Stauffer B

> Ice core evidence for climate change in the Tropics: implications for our future [p.19]
Thompson LG

> Perspectives on Global Change Science: isotopes in the Earth system, past and present [p.37]
Oeschger H

> New views of tropical paleoclimates from corals [p.45]
Gagan MK, Ayliffe LK, Beck JW, Cole JE, Druffel ERM, Dunbar RB & Schrag DP

> Sea-ice cover, sea-surface salinity and halo-/thermocline structure of the northwest North Atlantic: modern versus full glacial conditions [p.65]
de Vernal A & Hillaire-Marcel C

> Annual climate variability in the Holocene: interpreting the message of ancient trees [p.87]
Briffa KR

> Palaeolimnological approaches to climate change, with special regard to the biological record [p.107]
Battarbee RW

> Paleoclimate reconstruction along the Pole–Equator–Pole transect of the Americas (PEP 1) [p.125]
Markgraf V, Baumgartner TR, Bradbury JP, Diaz HF, Dunbar RB, Luckman BH, Seltzer GO, Swetnam TW & Villalba R

> Amazonian and neotropical plant communities on glacial time-scales: The failure of the aridity and refuge hypotheses [p.141]
Colinvaux PA, De Oliveira PE & Bush MB

> The history and variability of the East Asian paleomonsoon climate [p.171]
An Z

> Hydrological changes in the African tropics since the Last Glacial Maximum [p.189]
Gasse F

> The Younger Dryas cold interval as viewed from central Greenland [p.213]
Alley RB

> Rapid climatic variability of the North Atlantic Ocean and global climate: a focus of the IMAGES program [p.227]
Cortijo E, Labeyrie L, Elliot M, Balbon E & Tisnerat N

> The low-latitude monsoon climate during Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles and Heinrich Events [p.243]
Leuschner DC & Sirocko F

> Is ocean thermohaline circulation linked to abrupt stadial/interstadial transitions? [p.255]
Boyle EA

> Influences of oceanic rheostats and amplifiers on atmospheric CO2 content during the Late Quaternary [p.273]
Pedersen TF & Bertrand P

> Study of abrupt climate change by a coupled ocean–atmosphere model [p.285]
Manabe S & Stouffer RJ

> Past and future reorganizations in the climate system [p.301]
Stocker TF

> How well can we simulate past climates? Evaluating the models using global palaeoenvironmental datasets [p.321]
Kohfeld KE & Harrison SP

> Abrupt onset and termination of the African Humid Period:: rapid climate responses to gradual insolation forcing [p.347]
de Menocal P, Ortiz J, Guilderson T, Adkins J, Sarnthein M, Baker L & Yarusinsky M

> Water isotopes in precipitation:: data/model comparison for present-day and past climates [p.363]
Jouzel J, Hoffmann G, Koster RD & Masson V

> Relating paleoclimate data and past temperature gradients: Some suggestive rules [p.381]
Rind D

> Past global changes and their significance for the future [p.391]
Bradley RS

> The role of the sun in climate forcing [p.403]
Beer J, Mende W & Stellmacher R

> Use of paleo-records in determining variability within the volcanism–climate system [p.417]
Zielinski GA

> Sensitivity of modern and Holocene floods to climate change [p.439]
Knox JC

> From nature-dominated to human-dominated environmental changes [p.459]
Messerli B, Grosjean M, Hofer T, Núñez L & Pfister C

This special issue was later bound within a hardcover to become a book: 

Past Global Changes and Their Significance for the Future.
Edited by Alverson K, Oldfield F & Bradley R. (2000).
(Reprinted from Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 19).
Pergamon/Elsevier, Oxford. 479 pp. ISSN 0277-3791 (Pb).


Eds: Oldfield F
Special issues
The Globe

This "white paper" style PAGES special issue provides an overview of the variety of ongoing research activities that contribute to our knowledge of palaeoclimatic conditions and examines their relevance to future predictions.