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Journal articles

Long AJ, Woodroff SA, Roberts DH & Dawson S
Journal articles
Quaternary Science Reviews

This paper is a contribution to PAGES' PALSEA working group.

Lowe DJ, Davies SM, Moriwaki H, Pearce NJG & Suzuki T
Journal articles
Quaternary International

Enhancing tephrochronology and its application (INTREPID Project): Hiroshi Machida commemorative volume. A product from the INternational focus group on Tephrochronology And Volcanism (INTAV) of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). This resulted from the inter-congress meeting "Active Tephra" which was held in Kirishima, Japan, from 9 to 17 May, 2010 and co-supported by PAGES.

Thompson WG, Curran HA, Wilson MA & White B
Journal articles
Nature Geoscience

This is a contribution to the PAGES PALSEA Working Group.

Power MJ, Marlon J, Ortiz N, Bartlein PJ, Harrison SP, Mayle FE, Ballouche A, Bradshaw RHW, Carcaillet C, Cordova C, Mooney S, Moreno PI, Prentice IC, Thonicke K, Tinner W, Whitlock C, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Ali AA, Anderson RS, Beer R, Behling H, Briles C, Brown KJ, Brunelle A, Bush M, Camill P, Chu GQ, Clark J, Colombaroli D, Connor S, Daniau A-L, Daniels M, Dodson J, Doughty E, Edwards ME, Finsinger W, Foster D, Frechette J, Gaillard M-J, Gavin DG, Gobet E, Haberle S, Hallett DJ, Higuera P, Hope G, Horn S, Inoue J, Kaltenrieder P, Kennedy L, Kong ZC, Larsen C, Long CJ, Lynch J, Lynch EA, McGlone M, Meeks S, Mensing S, Meyer G, Minckley T, Mohr J, Nelson DM, New J, Newnham R, Noti R, Oswald W, Pierce J, Richard PJH, Rowe C, Goñi MFS, Shuman BN, Takahara H, Toney J, Turney C, Urrego-Sanchez DH, Umbanhowar C, Vandergoes M, Vanniere B, Vescovi E, Walsh M, Wang X, Williams N, Wilmshurst J & Zhang JH
Journal articles
Climate Dynamics

This paper is a contribution to the PAGES Global Palaeofire Working Group (GPWG).

Neukom R, Luterbacher J, Villalba R, Küttel M, Frank D, Jones PD, Grosjean M, Esper J, Lopez L & Wanner H
Journal articles
Geophysical Research

This study arose from the PAGES LOTRED South America initiative. It presents a proxy-based reconstruction of summer and winter precipitation in southern South America for the last half millennium. The reconstruction is based on the LOTRED SA proxy data compilation.

Neukom R, Luterbacher J, Villalba R, Küttel M, Frank D, Jones PD, Grosjean M, Wanner H, Aravena J-C, Black DE, Christie DA, D’Arrigo R, Lara A, Morales M, Soliz-Gamboa C, Srur A, Urrutia R & von Gunten L
Journal articles
Climate Dynamics
PALSEA, Abe-Ouchi A, Andersen M, Antonioli F, Bamber J, Bard E, Clark J, Clark P, Deschamps P, Dutton A, Elliot M, Gallup C, Gomez N, Gregory J, Huybers P, Kawamura K, Kelly M, Lambeck K, Lowell T, Mitrovica J, Otto-Bliesner B, Richards D, Siddall M, Stanford J, Stirling C, Stocker T, Thomas A, Thompson B, Törnqvist T, Riveiros NV, Waelbroeck C, Yokoyama Y & Yu S
Journal articles
Journal of Quaternary Science

This is a synthesis paper from the concept workshop for PALSEA (Paleo-constraints on Sea-level Rise; Focus 1 Working Group).

MARGO Project Members
Journal articles
Nature Geoscience

This is a summary paper on the new comprehensive Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface (MARGO) reconstruction of sea surface temperatures at the Last Glacial Maximum. The MARGO effort was supported by IMAGES and by PAGES.

Jones PD, Briffa KR, Osborn TJ, Lough JM, van Ommen TD, Vinther BM, Luterbacher J, Wahl ER, Zwiers FW, Mann ME, Schmidt GA, Ammann CM, Buckley BM, Cobb KM, Esper J, Goosse H, Graham N, Jansen E, Kiefer T, Kull C, Kuttel M, Mosley-Thompson E, Overpeck JT, Riedwyl N, Schulz M, Tudhope AW, Villalba R, Wanner H, Wolff E & Xoplaki E
Journal articles
The Holocene

This review of late-Holocene paleoclimatology presents the results from the PAGES/CLIVAR (Focus2) Past Millennia Climate Variability - Synthesis and Outlook workshop held 7-10 June 2006 in Wengen, Switzerland.

Marlon JR, Bartlein PJ, Walsh MK, Harrison SP, Brown KJ, Edwards ME, Higuera PE, Power MJ, Anderson RS, Briles C, Brunelle A, Carcaillet C, Daniels M, Hu FS, Lavoie M, Long C, Minckley T, Richard PJH, Scott AC, Shafer DS, Tinner W, Umbanhowar CE & Whitlock C
Journal articles

This is a synthesis paper by the Global Palaeofire Working Group (Focus 1). It is the third produced by the group.