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Human Traces Webinar Series: Amazonia history: Contribution of palaeoecology to the scientific debate of pre-Columbian occupation and multi-proxy examples from northern South America

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Nathalie Dubois
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* Please note the dates for this webinar have been changed. This webinar was originally scheduled for 29 April 2022 - 3pm UTC*

New date: 2 May 2022
Time: 3pm UTC (find your local time here
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Dr. Encarni Montoya, University of Liverpool, UK
Amazonia history: Contribution of palaeoecology to the scientific debate of pre-Columbian occupation and multi-proxy examples from northern South America


Dr. Encarni Montoya is a palaeoecologist studying the relationships between vegetation, humans and other environmental drivers including climate and volcanic activity, mainly in northern South America. She defended her PhD thesis in 2011 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, before securing Fellowships to join the Open University (2012-2015) and the Spanish National Research Council – Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (2015-2109). She was a lecturer in environmental change at the University of Liverpool, before joining her current position at the Institute of Geosciences in Barcelona (CSIC).

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