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Postdoc, Tropical peatlands carbon cycling - Exeter, UK


United Kingdom

University of Exeter
Faculty: Environment, Science and Economy
Post: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Reference No: R81054
Grade: F
Reporting To: Prof. Angela Gallego-Sala

The above full-time post is available from 1st July 2024 until 31st January 2026 in the Faculty.
The successful applicant will join a research team to work with Prof. Gallego-Sala and a wider team of
experts on the ERC funded project “TroPeaCC: Tropical Peatlands and the Carbon Cycle” addressing the
key questions: will tropical peatlands become a carbon source or sink in the future?
And more generally, in understanding interactions between climate and low-latitude peatland carbon dynamics.
Tropical peatlands are the most carbon-dense ecosystems in the world and they store the equivalent of ~10 years of global fossil fuel emissions in their soils. Despite their importance, crucial questions remain about carbon cycling in tropical peatlands and improving understanding is critical as they are at high risk from both climate change and land use change. Protection and improved management of tropical peatlands can also play an important role in meeting the greenhouse gas emissions targets set out under the Paris Agreement.
Under intact conditions tropical peatlands sequester carbon in their soils, but also emit methane through
methane producing micro-organisms present in the waterlogged conditions. With the impacts of land use and climate change, carbon dynamics are likely to shift. While tropical peatland research has primarily focused on carbon dioxide losses from drainage affected peatlands, there is a considerable gap in the knowledge around the pristine peatland carbon sink and methane dynamics, including the environmental drivers of CH4 and CO2 cycling from these systems and their net effect on radiative forcing, and thus climate change.
This is a collaborative project with a large internal team and many external collaborators. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 865403).
The successful applicant will play a key role in the TroPeaCC project, as a modeller to develop the land component of the UK Earth System Model to make future projections of the fate of tropical peatlands under climate change and their role in the global carbon cycle. This post is available immediately until 31st January 2026.
In this post, you will extend the group’s newly developed model of peatland ecosystems to the tropics.
Specifically, you will compile existing data and run JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator), to evaluate simulations of ecosystem fluxes of energy, water and carbon at the site level across multiple tropical locations. You will parameterise the model and use it to make future projections of tropical peatland carbon balance and quantify the uncertainty.
You will be expected to gather, handle and analyse complex datasets, write up results for publication and presenting the work in conferences, i.e. you will be expected to be part of the team that brings the TroPeaCC project to a successful completion.

Main duties and accountabilities

1. To undertake research as appropriate to the field of study. The responsibilities may include all or some of the following:
• Acting as principal investigator on research projects;
• Developing research objectives, projects and proposals;
• Conducting individual or collaborative research projects;
• Identifying sources of funding and contributing to the process of securing funds;
• Extending, transforming and applying knowledge acquired from scholarship to research and
appropriate external activities;
• Writing or contributing to publications or disseminating research findings using media appropriate to the discipline;
• Making presentations at conferences or exhibiting work in other appropriate events;
• Assessing, interpreting and evaluating outcomes of research;
• Developing new concepts and ideas to extend intellectual understanding;
• Resolving problems of meeting research objectives and deadlines;
• Developing ideas for generating income and promoting research area;
• Developing ideas for application of research outcomes;
• Deciding on /following research programmes and methodologies, often in collaboration with colleagues and sometimes subject to the approval of the head of the research programme on fundamental issues.

2. To contribute to teaching and learning programmes in the School and to supervise postgraduate research students.

3. To act as research team leader including:
• Mentoring colleagues with less experience and advising on their professional development;
• Coaching and supporting colleagues in developing their research techniques;
• Supervising the work of others, for example in research teams or projects;
• Developing productive working relationships with other members of staff;
• Co-ordinating the work of colleagues to ensure equitable access to resources and facilities;
• Dealing with standard problems and help colleagues to resolve their concerns about progress in research.

4. To routinely communicate complex and conceptual ideas to those with limited knowledge as well as to peers using high level skills and a range of media and to present the results of scientific research to sponsors and at conferences.

5. As determined by the nature of the project and at the direction of the PI, to plan, co-ordinate and
implement research programme activity including:

• Managing the use of research resources and ensuring that effective use is made of them;
• Monitoring and reporting on the use of research budgets;
• Helping to plan and implement commercial and consultancy activities;
• Where appropriate, to plan and manage own consultancy assignments.

This job description summarises the main duties and accountabilities of the post and is not comprehensive:
the post-holder may be required to undertake other duties of similar level and responsibility. Please visit the Human Resources website to view the Research Fellow role profiles.
PhD or equivalent qualification/experience in a related field of study (environmental physics, tropical ecology, peatland science, carbon cycle science, mathematics, etc.).

Be a nationally recognised authority in the subject area.

-Skills and Understanding-
Possess sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to develop/follow research programmes and methodologies.
Evidence of computer programming (e.g. FORTRAN, C and/or C++), and wider computing skills (e.g. R, Python or Matlab or similar).
Record of research output in high quality publications.

Evidence of research activity and
published research. Experience of environmental
modelling, especially of land surface models.
Understanding of methane and carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and/or peatlands.

-Prior Experience-
Experience of managing research projects and research teams.

Experience of undergraduate/postgraduate teaching and supervision. Experience of acting as principal investigator on
research projects.
Experience at running the Joint UK Land Environment simulator at site-level.
Experience working with Eddy Covariance datasets to evaluate land surface models.
Demonstrated evidence of high quality research outputs (e.g. peer-reviewed publications) based on land surface modelling of
vegetation processes.
Understanding of carbon cycling in peatlands, including methane

-Behavioural Characteristics-
Excellent written and verbal
communication skills.
Able to communicate complex and conceptual ideas to a range of groups.
Evidence of the ability to collaborate actively within the Institution and externally to complete research projects and
advance thinking.
Able to participate in and develop external networks.
Able to balance the pressures of research, administrative demands and competing deadlines.
An understanding of the importance of equality and diversity within an organisation and a commitment to helping
create an inclusive culture.

Able to identify sources of funding, generate income, obtain consultancy projects, or build relationships for future activities.
Able to communicate and engage using online tools

Essential: Willing to work flexibly to achieve project demands
Please apply here:
IMPORTANT: The job advert Reference number for this particular position (to type in under keywords) is: R81054
Application deadline
Further information
For more information, please check the University of Exeter's website:
The job advert reference number is: R81054

Before submitting an application you may wish to discuss the post further by contacting Dr. Angela GallegoSala, Professor, email:
Contact email

Post Doctoral position, isotope geochemistry and paleoclimatology - Kiel, Germany



Deadline: 1st September 2024
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is a foundation under public law jointly financed by the Federal Republic of Germany (90%) and the State of Schleswig-Holstein (10%). It is one of the internationally leading institutions in the field of marine research.

Through our research and our commitment to the transfer of knowledge and technology, we contribute significantly to the preservation of the function and protection of the ocean for future generations.

The group of the ERC CoG project “HighBorG” of the research unit in Paleoceanography and Research division 1: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics is offering a Post Doctoral position (m/f/d) in isotope geochemistry and paleoclimatology starting in early 2025 (starting date negotiable).

The Paleoceanography Research Unit offers a dynamic, international and innovative research environment with excellent infrastructure and a strongly collaborative working culture. Our research unit has state-of-the-art analytical-chemical laboratory equipment, and a network of German and international collaborations. GEOMAR offers support with childcare (holiday programmes) and a discounted subscription to local public transport. We offer among other things the possibility of individual working time arrangements and support services for professional and personal life situations. GEOMAR is an exciting work environment within which one can develop highly marketable skills, and utilize career building opportunities. Working at GEOMAR, and especially in the field of marine and climate research contributes to forward-looking solutions with social significance. GEOMAR offers 30 vacation days plus additional time off at Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, a company pension plan and capital-forming benefits.

The position is available for a funding period of 2 years. The salary depends on qualification and responsibilities and could be up to class 13 TVöD-Bund of the German tariff for public employees. This is a full-time position. Flexible working time models are generally possible. The fixed-term contract shall comply with Section 2 Paragraph 1 of The Act of Academic Fixed-Term Contract (German WissZeitVG).

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel seeks to increase the proportion of female scientists and explicitly encourages qualified female academics to apply. GEOMAR is an equal opportunity employer and encourages scientists with disabilities to apply. Qualified disabled applicants will receive preference in the application process.
The ERC CoG HighBorG focuses on climate-carbon dynamic reconstructions of past warm periods in our Geologic record within the Paleogene and Neogene, in search of tipping elements and climate analogues among different climate states, and further exploration of Earth system response through Earth System modelling. As such, a strongly interdisciplinary and collaborative group will aim at millennial scale reconstructions of seawater pH and atmospheric CO2, seawater temperature and ice sheet dynamics, as well as aspects of the marine carbon cycle. To achieve this, both established methods and new analytical techniques will be developed.
The successful candidate will be generating records of seawater pH/atmospheric CO2 with the boron isotope proxy on foraminifera and fossil corals, and will constrain seawater temperature, sea level and marine carbon cycle with a combination of stable isotopes and elemental ratios. The post doc will obtain training on Paleogene and Neogene foraminifera taxonomy, and will be given the opportunity to contribute to the development of new analytical methods for isotope geochemistry. Responsibilities also include clean lab analytical chemistry (inorganic), processing of sediment cores and foraminifera picking with the team’s student support. The post doc will be preparing and analyzing marine carbonates (corals and foraminifera) for isotopes and trace elements using the state of the art analytical laboratories at GEOMAR, organizing and data archiving work, statistical processing, interpreting and publishing in peer reviewed journals, and disseminating results in meetings and conferences. The post doc will have assistance by the team’s PI and technical support and will oversee the student helpers who assist in sediment core processing and foraminifera picking.


PhD in Earth Sciences, Chemical/or paleo-oceanography, Geosciences, or similar
Experience in a clean lab and inorganic chemistry, including work with mass spectrometers
Knowledge of Paleogene/Neogene climate and key carbon cycle questions
Expertise in data processing, evaluation of data quality and basic statistics
Excellent writing and spoken English
Publication and presentation record as per career level


Previous experience in foraminifera geochemistry, boron isotopes and trace elements
Detailed understanding of data reduction strategies in isotope and elemental geochemistry
Ability to operate Thermo Neptune and Thermo Element largely independently
Programming with Python, R, Matlab or similar
Being able to demonstrate creative and critical thinking skills, decision making and problem solving skills, self motivation and curiosity
Please send your application (including cover letter or letter of motivation, CV, certificates, research statement, 2-3 reference letters) for this post not later than September 1st, 2024 at the following link:

As soon as the selection procedure has finished, all your application data will be removed according to data protection regulation.
Application deadline
Further information
For further information regarding the position and research unit please contact Eleni Anagnostou (eanagnostou(at)

However, we will answer all your questions if you send us an e-mail to bewerbung(at) In doing so, please refer to the keyword “HighBorG_Postdoc”.

For further information on GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel or the Helmholtz Association, please visit or
Contact email

Postdoctoral position, Arctic Paleoceanography and Carbon Sequestration - Aarhus, Denmark



Work place: Department of Geoscience Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 2, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

2-year fixed term full-time position starting 1 Nov 2024 or soon thereafter.

Application deadline: September 1, 2024, 23:59 CET
The Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate Group at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a position in paleoceanography at the postdoctoral level. The successful candidate will be part of a research group studying Holocene and late Quaternary paleoclimate and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. The postdoctoral project is part of the large international EU Horizon Europe project, Sea-Quester on the effect of climate change on carbon cycling and burial in the Arctic region. The role of Aarhus University in the project is to provide the long-term perspective on these changes and quantify carbon sequestration in different environmental and sedimentary settings. The position has a fixed term of 2 years, starting from 1 November 2024 or as soon as possible thereefter.
The postdoctoral project will focus on investigating the link between temporal changes in climate, biodiversity and ecosystems in the Greenland and North Atlantic regions, with special focus on the carbon cycle and the burial and fate of carbon in the sediments. Specific tasks will include the quantification of carbon sequestration in sea-floor sediments across space and time and to investigate links between climatic and environmental conditions and carbon burial. Other questions to address include the role of the benthic fauna in carbon sequestration and identifying and distinguishing the various sources of carbon input to the sediments. The successful candidate will be investigating marine sediment cores using tools from organic and inorganic geochemistry, micropaleontology, and sedimentology. Within the Sea-Quester project's framework, there is considerable freedom for the postdoctoral researcher to develop the project with the Aarhus University hosts.
The successful applicant will have a PhD in geoscience or related fields. Candidates should preferably have knowledge of Arctic paleoceanography and organic geochemistry, although specialists in other techniques/proxies, including inorganic geochemistry, are also invited to apply. Experience with multi-proxy studies, biomarker analyses, carbon chemistry and/or numerical/statistical data treatment will be considered favorably. Excellent oral and written English skills are a requirement.
The deadline for applications is September 1st, 2024. The department expects to conduct interviews in mid-September, and the successful candidate will be able to start between November 1st, 2024 and February 1st, 2025.

The application must include the following:
-Cover Letter, including motivation for applying and information on how the candidate’s expertise and experience will aid the project
- Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications
- PhD certificate or a statement regarding the expected date of completing of PhD studies
- One page statement of research goals
- Contact information (name, position, institution, email) for three references

The department refers to the faculty’s guidelines for applicants:
Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. The Aarhus University views equality and diversity as assets, and they welcome all applicants.
Application deadline
Further information
More information see:
For questions about this vacancy, please contact: Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz (Head of Department, Department of Geology) at:
Contact email