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Late Quaternary to Holocene; Arctic; Paleoceanography; Carbon Sequestration; geochemistry; micropaleontology

Postdoctoral position, Arctic Paleoceanography and Carbon Sequestration - Aarhus, Denmark



Work place: Department of Geoscience Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 2, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

2-year fixed term full-time position starting 1 Nov 2024 or soon thereafter.

Application deadline: September 1, 2024, 23:59 CET
The Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate Group at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a position in paleoceanography at the postdoctoral level. The successful candidate will be part of a research group studying Holocene and late Quaternary paleoclimate and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. The postdoctoral project is part of the large international EU Horizon Europe project, Sea-Quester on the effect of climate change on carbon cycling and burial in the Arctic region. The role of Aarhus University in the project is to provide the long-term perspective on these changes and quantify carbon sequestration in different environmental and sedimentary settings. The position has a fixed term of 2 years, starting from 1 November 2024 or as soon as possible thereefter.
The postdoctoral project will focus on investigating the link between temporal changes in climate, biodiversity and ecosystems in the Greenland and North Atlantic regions, with special focus on the carbon cycle and the burial and fate of carbon in the sediments. Specific tasks will include the quantification of carbon sequestration in sea-floor sediments across space and time and to investigate links between climatic and environmental conditions and carbon burial. Other questions to address include the role of the benthic fauna in carbon sequestration and identifying and distinguishing the various sources of carbon input to the sediments. The successful candidate will be investigating marine sediment cores using tools from organic and inorganic geochemistry, micropaleontology, and sedimentology. Within the Sea-Quester project's framework, there is considerable freedom for the postdoctoral researcher to develop the project with the Aarhus University hosts.
The successful applicant will have a PhD in geoscience or related fields. Candidates should preferably have knowledge of Arctic paleoceanography and organic geochemistry, although specialists in other techniques/proxies, including inorganic geochemistry, are also invited to apply. Experience with multi-proxy studies, biomarker analyses, carbon chemistry and/or numerical/statistical data treatment will be considered favorably. Excellent oral and written English skills are a requirement.
The deadline for applications is September 1st, 2024. The department expects to conduct interviews in mid-September, and the successful candidate will be able to start between November 1st, 2024 and February 1st, 2025.

The application must include the following:
-Cover Letter, including motivation for applying and information on how the candidate’s expertise and experience will aid the project
- Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications
- PhD certificate or a statement regarding the expected date of completing of PhD studies
- One page statement of research goals
- Contact information (name, position, institution, email) for three references

The department refers to the faculty’s guidelines for applicants:
Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. The Aarhus University views equality and diversity as assets, and they welcome all applicants.
Application deadline
Further information
More information see:
For questions about this vacancy, please contact: Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz (Head of Department, Department of Geology) at:
Contact email