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DEEPICE video screenshot

The DEEPICE project has launched a fascinating 7-minute video featuring interviews from the project participants.

DEEPICE is an innovative training network for a new generation of 15 early-stage researchers in instrumentation, ice core analysis, statistic tools and glaciological and climatic modelling.

It features 10 research organisations and universities as well as 11 partner organisations from 11 different countries.

This EU-funded project started on the 1st of January 2021 and will last until the 31st of December 2024.

Through its research program, the DEEPICE project will develop the needed tools of the analysis of the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice which extraction will be finished in 2025. It will also train and prepare a new generation of scientists for the interpretation of these unique records.

> Download the DEEPICE fact sheet 
> Visit the DEEPICE website