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CVAS, Fig.1

By Casado M, Münch T and Laepple T.

Ice cores represent one of the very best archives for preserving information about past climates, but one of the problems associated with them is the intermittent nature of accumulating snowfall and the impact of post deposition processes.

In this paper Casado et al investigate these problems, and discuss the most appropriate temporal resolution for interpreting the isotopic record in ice-core records at different locations in Antarctica. 

> Access the article

Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group

The Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group examines climate variability in space and time, with the focus on Holocene decadal to millennial variability, and its implications for future climate evolution. Special focus is given to scaling as a means to compare paleo time series with observations and simulations.

This group is open to anyone who is interested, and early-career researchers are encouraged to be involved.

> Find out more about the CVAS working group here.