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ice core photo: Amy Leventer

Magazine: Volume 30 - No. 2 - October 2022
Request to order a hard copy deadline: 31 October DEADLINE EXTENDED TO SUNDAY, 6 NOVEMBER 2022.

PAGES is committed to providing access to paleoscience in an accessible and informative way. Past Global Changes Magazine is a free magazine with this aim, published twice annually, and delivered in hard copy format, free of charge, to those who are interested.

Understanding past, present, and future changes in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is crucial to understanding a wide range of interconnected impacts. This special issue contains articles describing novel proxies and reconstructions of sea ice at a range of timescales from both poles, highlighting some state-of-the-art knowledge in this field.

Would you like to receive a hard copy of the Past Global Changes Magazine issue on "Sea ice in the polar regions" with a special section on "Early-career perspectives on ice-core science"?

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  •     Tick the box "PAGES Magazine - hard copy"
  •     Check your postal address is correct (if not correct, please update it)    

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If you do not have a PAGES profile, and are not interested in creating one, but would still like to receive a copy of the upcoming issue of the magazine, then we request that you please complete this webform:

We would like to encourage those of you who prefer hard copies to please consider "donating" your hard copy to a coffee/tea/social room, kitchen, etc. where a larger audience may benefit from access to the magazine in hard copy. Alternatively, PAGES also offers the option of creating a profile for an institution/library/department, etc. (i.e. non-human) to order a hard copy of the magazine. These profiles will automatically receive a copy, without having to update their address for every new issue. 

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