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Iván Hernández-Almeida

PAGES warmly welcomes Iván Hernández-Almeida, the new Science Officer.

On 1 February, Iván Hernández-Almeida, joined the PAGES IPO in Bern, Switzerland as the new Science Officer.


Iván was a senior assistant at the Geological Institute at DERDW-ETH Zürich where he was lecturer and performing research in the Climate Geology group for the past 5 years.

He is a geoscientist specialized in the use of microfossils to infer past environmental and climatic conditions. His research interests are the study of marine sediment components (organic and inorganic) for the whole Cenozoic. He has a particular interest in changes in the C and Si cycle, paleoclimatology, paleoecology, biostratigraphy and paleolimnology. (Orcid:

Iván knows PAGES from attending to several PAGES OSM/YSM meetings in Goa and Zaragoza, and participating in the first PAGES Horizons issue.

He looks forward to "working together with the scientists interested in paleoscience from all over the world, and to enhance the visibility of PAGES among the science community but also to the general public".

Originally from Spain, Iván has been living and working in Switzerland for over 10 years. He lives in Bern with his family.

If you would like to contact Iván, you can reach via email: (ivan[dot]hernandez[at]unibe[dot]ch)