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PAGES 7th Open Science Meeting - Shanghai

PAGES' Open Science Meetings (OSM) and Young Science Meetings (YSM) are held every four years. They are designed to encourage interaction between scientists from all career levels, disciplines and regions.

In 2025, the OSM and YSM will be held in Shanghai, China and online.

The 7th PAGES OSM will take place from 21–24 May 2025.
the 5th PAGES YSM will take place from 19–20 May 2025.

The 7th OSM and 5th YSM meetings will focus on “The Earth System Changes from the Past towards the Future”. This conference aims to promote interdisciplinary scientific exchange and international collaboration, and to strengthen the connections between PAGES communities.

By integrating various spheres of the Earth's system, this conference will illustrate the changes in the key components of the Earth's surface system (air, water, ice, land, life, society, etc.) across timescales, with the ultimate goal of improving predictions for future climate and environment. 

15 May 2024: Call for Sessions Deadline

The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) invites you to take an active part in organizing the scientific program of the conference. The program will be comprised of plenary, parallel and poster sessions.

The plenary sessions will host keynote talks intended to stimulate discussions on the role of past global change science by providing information about strategies for a sustainable world, on the engagement of stakeholders in active cutting-edge research, and on the added value of interdisciplinary approaches. The parallel and associated poster sessions will accommodate top-level, ongoing research.

Up to five sessions will be run in parallel at the OSM, allowing accommodation for a maximum of 40 sessions.  

Please send proposals to (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) and include a provisional title, potential conveners, and a brief description of the session.

The deadline to propose a session is 15 May 2024.

Visit the OSM website for more information on the OSM in Shanghai.

OSM & YSM 2025 logos