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Early-career award

PAGES is pleased to announce the PAGES Early-Career Award (ECA) recipient is Dr Oana Dumitru.

Nominees were judged on excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration.

Oana's expertise in geochronology and geochemistry applied in paleoclimatology to improve knowledge on past global sea level within an interdisciplinary framework was recognized. 
Oana was also praised for her excellence in science and her leadership role within the PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA) working group.

The ECA Committee took into consideration Oana's involvement in the organization of scientific events, her ability to develop a strong network, as well her commitment towards less favored students.

It was generally felt that Oana's scientific story could be inspiring for other early-career researchers.

The ECA certificate will be presented at the award ceremony to be held during PAGES’ 7th Open Science Meeting (OSM), which will take place in Shanghai, China from 21-24 May 2025.

> See Oana's publications 

Oana Dumitru