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Nonlinear increase in seawater 87Sr ∕ 86Sr in the Oligocene to early Miocene and implications for climate-sensitive weathering

PAGES congratulates its Science Officer, Iván Hernández-Almeida, on a co-authored paper in Climate of the Past published on 3 January 2024.

"Nonlinear increase in seawater 87Sr ∕ 86Sr in the Oligocene to early Miocene and implications for climate-sensitive weathering", by Stoll MS, Pena LD, Hernandez-Almeida I, Guitián J, Tanner T and Pälike H.

Short summary
The Oligocene and early Miocene periods featured dynamic glacial cycles on Antarctica. In this paper, the authors use Sr isotopes in marine carbonate sediments to document a change in the location and intensity of continental weathering during short periods of very intense Antarctic glaciation. Potentially, the weathering intensity of old continental rocks on Antarctica was reduced during glaciation. The authors also show improved age models for correlation of Southern Ocean and North Atlantic sediments.

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