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PAGES Q&A session at EGU24

PAGES invites everyone to join us at the EGU24 for a Q&A session

The EGU24 will be taking place from 14–19 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

PAGES Executive Director, Marie-France Loutre, and PAGES Science Officer, Iván Hernández-Almeida, will be attending the conference and invite all those interested in past global changes to attend a PAGES Q&A splinter meeting session.

Participants are welcome to come and ask questions, related to, for example:

PAGES activities
- What does PAGES do?
- How can I apply for support for a workshop?
- How can I attend a PAGES workshop or get involved with a working group?
- What kind of support does PAGES offer?
- How can I be involved in PAGES as an early-career researcher?
- How are the PAGES magazine topics decided, and how can I/working group get involved/ write for the magazine?

PAGES special events
- What are the PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM)?
- How can I attend the OSM and/or YSM?
- As a PAGES working group, how can we be involved at the OSM25 in Shanghai, China?
- What is a Topical Science Meeting (TSM) and how can our working group organize one?

- What is the PAGES Data Stewardship Scholarship (DSS)?
- How can our working group apply for a DSS?
- How else can PAGES help our working group with data?

Working groups, affiliated & endorsed groups
- How can I start a working group? What is required?
- What is the difference between a working group and an endorsed/affiliated group?

PAGES structure and setup
- Who oversees PAGES applications for sponsorship and support?
- Who is the SSC and how do SSC applications and decisions work?

And anything else you wish to know...
All questions about PAGES are welcome.

We hope to make you more familiar with the PAGES project and look forward to meeting new people, and seeing “old” friends.

The meeting will take place in Room 2.43 on Wednesday, 17 April 2024, from 16:15–18:00 local time. If you have any questions about this meeting, please feel free to email us: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

Watch the new PAGES promo video