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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)/ Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) updates

In 2023, some major changes were implemented in Swiss data protection laws. Anyone who has a website with people's data (emails, names, or any other information) must adhere to strict guidelines/laws about the processing of this data. In other words, all of us, as users of websites and online services, need to approve the use of our data on those websites.

For PAGES website users, the following is now the case:

Users with an existing PAGES database profile and subscribed to the e-news:

No changes. You are able to manage your own subscriptions, delete/update your own account, etc. You should not require the assistance of the PAGES IPO. 
However, if you no longer wish to receive the e-news, you must send an email to the (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) email address to unsubscribe. 
You now have the added benefit of deciding if you wish to have your profile public (visible) or private (not visible).

New users / new subscribers:

If you wish to sign up to receive the e-news, you will need to create a profile/ account on the PAGES database (create a new account: 
You may decide if you want to make your profile public (visible) or private (not visible). 
In order to manage your subscriptions, e.g. if you only want to sign up so that you can receive the monthly e-news, you can do this by opening the tab "Newsletters" at the top, when you are signed in.

Once you have completed the registration form, you will receive an email with a link to verify your email address. Until you have verified your email via this link, your account will remain "dormant" or "blocked". Once the verification email has been clicked, your account/profile will be activated (either in public or private mode, depending on what you choose).

If you have questions, or struggle to navigate the website and the registration process, please feel free to contact the IPO via email: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)